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    Firstly, allow me to welcome you to my website.  I hope you enjoy it.  Please feel free to send me greatly-appreciated comments at .  

    Now, for all those of you who wonder who I am, my name is Malic and I'm a computer enthusiast (actually I'm a computer fanatic but political correctness is a must this day in age). 

    I have always been attracted towards technology.  At age 4 I was constantly reading my father's Science & Vie magazine (the French equivalent of Scientific American).  I remember ancient French PC magazines my father bought home.  In fact I still have my very first computer magazine from 1986.  Amazingly enough, it features virtual reality (as we know it today). Except that back then, the frame rates were way too low...but the quality was there.  Ironically, that magazine also features the original Microsoft (Bill Gates) vs. Lotus (Ashon Tate) battle! (that's to let you know how old that is...)

  By my 6th birthday I was programming a rising sun with good old GW-BASIC on those old-school Thompson computers (the one we had had a tactile screen along with an interactive pen), pretty nifty for the days!

    My computer passion continued.  Being part of a gifted children's program during my elementary years, we could have all the time in the world on (what used to be) that awesome Mac LC II. I remember it ran Claris Works and I used to have a blast messing with its extensive font colors (which were very varied for the times-1992/3). 

    Life continued and by the 7th grade I was hiding games on the school computers running Windows 3.11.  It was pretty awesome because the DOS version delivered with Win 3.x did very bizarre things if you named a directory ALT-255 (press the alt key and then type 255 on your numpad).  A friend (Chris H.) and I discovered and used that trick to create a directory where we would hide all are games in.  In fact the ALT-255 trick was incredible because the directory was hidden AND undeletable AND not accounted for as memory consuming when using the Dir OR Dir /a command!  Saving the best for last, this directory (being a nonprintable character) would not be accessible from either the DosKEY  or the classical Win file managers!!!

 Well I won't bore you with all my little experiences. For I just wanted to let you know how exquisite I find the innovative world of computers .

    As you can see, over time I got into the engineering portion of computers.  Lately I have focused mainly on hardware and more precisely on processors. Causing me to investigate the world of overclocking and how to deal with overheating caused by high-rate overclocks.  At the same time, I am into audio/video encryption and decryption. Mainly MPEG-2 to AVI decoding.  One of my  life quests is to find the ideal "DVD backup" method of converting an MPEG-2 VOB file to a small but good quality AVI file.  I think I have reached my goal but I am persistent and am trying all the codecs (acronym for encoder/decoder) out there. I was one of the first proud users of the "unofficial" MPEG-4 video codec. One accomplishment I am particularly pleased with is the discovery of a way to "backup" an entire DVD on two CD's maximum (sometimes one depending on the size) AND I've done that by preserving the Dolby Digital 5.1 audio!  Meaning the audio on my "backups" of my DVD's is a binary copy (literally byte for byte) of the audio stream of the DVD. Causing me to have an awesome audio stream on my personal CD-ROM versions of movies that I can play on any machine with a CD-ROM drive and acceptable processing power.  But I won't get carried away here or else I could stay here forever deriving into cryptography etc....

    Apart from computers, I like sports very much. I'm a long distance runner (May 2000 - 20 KM of BRUSSELS in 1:43:00 YEAH); I guess that's acceptable for a 215lbs wrestler and defensive lineman ;-) (I hope).  I run every morning and unfortunately I haven't had the occasion to play football since I graduated in January 2001.

    Scholastically, I love maths and sciences.  It is quite incredible the power one has in his/her possession and the capabilities of understanding nature when being able to apply science to the world around us.  Not that I do not enjoy humanities.  I like art very much and poetry allows my mind to escape for a while as I usually need it after having worked a couple of hours of heavy duty Newtonian Mechanics involving tricky integration.

  I really don't have any musical preferences.  My favorite musical pieces may range from Chopin's Minute Waltz to Grandmaster Flash's The Message.  I enjoy all kinds of music, but since I'm Arab-blooded I also like some of that rhythmic music too! 

    As a visitor, (technophile or not) if you have any questions comments or thoughts either about my projects or myself just let me know.  I am honored that you have visited my site and if you've read all the way to this point than allow me to thank you for your patience.  By the way, if you're a head-hunter, a venture capitalist seeking to invest in a patent, or a business owner seeking to develop, perfect, or produce the MoDek please contact me for information or if you have any questions.

