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Stuff for Sale.

Lego and burner have been sold.
Guitar amp sold.
SP cd sold.

OK. I have a few things I want to get rid of. If anything here interests you, either give me a PM on IRC (Austnet, nick is jeff), or a call/sms on 043 817 1982. Don't expect to bargain much with me, or hold items until you have the money later. Exceptions can be made. Everything here is sold as is, it all works, if you break it or don't want it later, I'm not taking it back. Feel free to suck up all you like, you may even get a discount if I like you =)

  • Altec Lansing ACS-56 PowerPlay Gaming Speakers

    Around 2 years old (I *think*), contains a set of 4 satellite speakers and one sub. Excellent computer speakers, particularly for games. Good condition, cost $270, sell for $180.

    Product Review

  • Yamaha EG-112 Electric Guitar

    Purchased on sale from Allans Music in the Queen Sreet Mall 2 years ago. Great sounding guitar, perfect for beginners, good backup guitar for gigs. Very light yet solid, very similar to a Fender Stratocaster. Low price, one of the most popular cheap electrics. Good condition, worth $400, sell for $250. (Includes new strings, waterproof case, picks, lead for an amp)

    Product Information*

    *The model shown is the 2002 model, though I can't see any difference at all between that and the 2001 model. Colour of mine is black, with white pickguard.

  • Pentax Espio 738S 35mm Camera.

    Given as a gift in late 2001. Features small size, 38-70mm zoom, LED display, red-eye reduction, several light options, low battery warning, built in timer and flash. Excellent condition. Paid $150, sell for $100.

    Product Information

  • Nokia 3210

    Great condition, no contract. New light battery. Paid far too much (bloody contracts), sell for $90.

  • Sony WM-FX455 Digital Walkman

    Bought in 2000. Features a digital tuner, storing up to 20 preset AM/FM stations. Excellent sound reproduction from tapes, with Dolby Noise Reduction and mega bass options. Automatically reverses tape, no need to change sides when one is finished. Fast rewind/fast forward, large LED screen on front that displays time when not in use. Good condition. Paid $180, sell for $70.

  • Hauppauge WinTV-GO TV Tuner Card

    Approximately 2-and-a-bit years old. Features full screen and scalable window TV viewing. Perfect for those who have a computer (especially with 17"+ monitor) but no TV. Coax input, can double as a capture card. Good condition, paid $200, sell for $80.

  • Sony CFD-Z110 CD Player

    Features single CD player, AM/FM radio and single tape deck. Comes with 2 speakers. Works well, would suit kitchen/bathroom/bedroom as a small stereo unit. Given as a gift, good condition. Sell for $40.

  • Strobe 360 Strobe Lamp

    One of the only strobes to offer a removable metal insert, providing 360 degrees of flashy goodness. Adjustable flash rate, blacklight reactive, comes with colour filters. Colour of unit is transparent blue. Sell for $35.

  • Juster/Jazz 3D Subwoofer System

    Hahahaha. Cheap and nasty 'subwoofer' system for PCs, or entertainment units. If you're looking for speakers for a backup/old/server system, these would be great. Don't get me wrong, they work fine, just don't expect them to make your windows rattle. Paid $60, sell for $5, or FREE to anyone who owns a hammer and likes to smash things. If you're getting it for free, I'm not delivering it.

  • Assorted Video Cassettes

    Armageddon - $15
    Gladiator - $15
    Saving Private Ryan - $15
    Moulin Rouge - $15
    The Matrix (unopened) - $15

    Buy 3 or more @ $10 each

    American Pie (1) - $10
    Austin Powers (2) - $10
    Jerry Maguire - $10
    The Mask - $10
    The Shawshank Redemption - $10
    There's Something about Mary - $10
    Stigmata - $10

    Buy 3 or more @ $8 each

    All are in good condition.

  • Assorted CDs

    Moby - Play - $10
    Alex Lloyd - Black the Sun - $10
    Neil Finn - One Nil - $10
    Greenday - Warning - $10
    Sash - It's My Life - $10
    Sash - Life Goes On - $10
    The 12th Man - Bill Lawry, This is Your Life - $10
    The Blair Witch Project Sountrack - $10
    All CDs in excellent condition. Buy 3 or more @ $8 each.

  • Head Dominion 170 Squash Racquet

    Solid, light squash racquet with new strings and grip. Green and black in colour, includes cover. Great condition. Paid $80, sell for $40.

  • Sega Lock-Ons

    Laser gun and visor pack. It's like laserforce, except you can play anywhere. Visor shows on a reflector how many lives you have left, guns are solid and have been silenced (thanks to my tape handywork). They look like something that will end up as a collectors item when Sega finally curls up and dies. Very good condition, paid $70, sell for $40.

    So that's it folks. Like I said, contact me through IRC (Austnet, nick is jeff), or phone/sms me on 043 817 1982. I really, really don't want to have to post anything to anyone, I'm willing to deliver within reason, but exceptions can be made on both those accounts. It's a matter of first come, first served, unless someone wants to give me an offer less than what is stated up there ^, in which case I'll see if anyone else wants it for a higher price. If not, I'll see what I can do in regards to selling it cheaper.