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Welcome to Illyrium...

The Domain of Rebekkah's Imagination...

Where To...?

The Portal Room...
Hmmm... So You Wanted... So It's Going To Be Done...
Some Fun Sites of Friends...

Hey peoples! Just so you know.. this is my first try at a webpage... so if it's not that great... too bad... anyway... ENJOY!!!! :)


This place... this collection of things... places... that I refer to as planes... is/are Illyrium. I call it the domain of my imagination because anything creative I come up with seems to feed off of something living in Illyrium... or enough of it anyway... for me to believe it. Anyway... I'm sure you'd probably like some technical... historical... data on Illyrium. Illyrium, as it is now, only came into existence in the latter part of 1999... November or December... and has built itself to this point in the beginning of July 2000. This is not the end, mind you, but more like the end of the beginning... for I know Illyrium will continue to grow and flourish. The tiny speech... story if you like... the beginning of what becomes the Underworld, starts with Jack Dawson... the Master of All Darkness... leader of the Dark Ones... sort of in mourning... both the loss of his life and his love... Rose. For those of you who have seen the movie Titanic, these two are pretty much based on them, in regards to their names and appearance, but their personalities are different. This is the leader of the Underworld, and my undying character... there from the beginning, and will probably be there to the end. Afterwards, through 1997, 1998, and most of 1999, the story of the Underworld flourished from the story of the Meek Servant... thanks to Melissa, the co-author of that story and the "Evil Sister..." to the story of Nebula, Stacy, Chris, and Gabriel in "Have We Met Before?" Quite a few of these stories are based on my life and friends... as you see in "Or So We Hoped...," "What Happened Down Here?," and "Have We Met Before?," covering my 8th and 9th grade years. Now, the creation of the Otherworld and its leader, Calia the Daemonfaerie, were brought on by the creation of a screenname and the creativity and imagination of myself and a few friends... Peter, Brian, and Deaglan... in a chatroom... aka Cyberia, which has now mainly been changed to Oblivion or the Snow Plains, for alas Cyberia has disappearded for the most part... due to war and depression... but enough of Cyberia right now. In 1999, the Otherworld and Anthrax were created. Anthrax... that came into existence for no apparent reason it seems... but not it plays many roles. It is Calia's birthplace, the safe haven of Nebula and company, and is ruled by Vipev of Syrinx. In the year 2000, during approximatly May, Vipev of Syrinx, daughter of Morgead and High Priestess Zarozinia of the Temple of Syrinx, was created.... born if you like. The newest place at the moment does not seem to exist yet, is Trilanna. It is to be an antithesis to Anthrax... and due to the fact that Jack seems to be outnumbered by female rulers, the leader of Trilanna will be River... a young man with no where near the experience Jack has... but alas... I do not know if his rule will last yet, or if it will fall and be taken over by a girl... a teenager, maybe... called Eternity. We'll just have to see won't we? Well, that pretty much leads to now... 2:33 AM... Tuesday... July 4, 2000. So... I welcome you, weary traveler, to the planes of Illyrium...

While you are here... feel free to sign "The Large and Unwieldly Leather Bound Book Containing the Names of Everyone Who Has Visited Illyrium" located below (AKA the guestbook) :)

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