We used to be real close but then she started talking to these girls I used to know and now we don't even say hi to each other any more.

    5-16-03... I was going to the record store at night, but I left my lights on before going outside to check if a bulb had burned out. When I stepped outside, this Tercel was just idling there with its headlights on too. Here's the weird part, he flashes his high beams at me like three times trying to tell me that I forgot to turn my lights off... It is the funniest thing to see all the guys in class trying to mack on the Japanese exchange students. Apparently girls that can't speak English really well attracts guys thinking that they might have a chance... No one cares if you have a ring tone based on a popular song... I would like to thank all the cars that choose to park backwards into parking spots next to me. Yaw could have parked anywhere else, but you chose to park next to me, I appreciate that.
    5-1-03... Today on the freeway, I saw this Asian girl drive a black or a midnight blue mk3. The bad part about this is that now whenever I see a similar colored Supra, I'll always look inside hoping to see her again.

      Reasons why the 1986.5-1988 body style looks better than the 1989-1992 style.

      I could be your secret pleasure
      My 1988 at Vegas 2002


      I could be your well wishing well
      Pic of a 1989+ car

      I am biased towards the early model (henceforth known as 'bc' for 'before change') look MK3 because I own an 88, all burgundy interior automoatic 88's unite, and I get tired to staring at the new looking end (which will now be called 'ac' or 'after change') of the Supra in Gran Turismo 2.

      It seems that a lot of people like the connected tail light looked. Enough so that they shell out $200 or so for the whole conversion maybe adding $75 for the three piece spoiler.

      The bc model allows more airflow into the radiator because it's lacking the nose that of the ac models. The foglights are also more of a stretched out rectangle shape which are more gangster than the boring shape of the ac's. The ac's front seats back lacks the mesh thing that lets backseat passengers put their trash in.

      Did I mention that the later models get progressingly fatter? I don't care if the ac models got two more horses and 14 more pound feet of torque. I just don't like them. Their side mirrors remind me of M3 mirrors and you know how deeply my hatred for BMW's run. Actually, I might have to change the pictures up above because the ac model is starting to make mine look bad.

      *new*Just for clarification and to provide a kickass example, this before and after comparison is like the case of the cutest character on Dawson's Creek, Katie Holmes.

      I could be your thunder in the clouds
      Katie Holmes on Season 4, or the "bc model".


      I could be your dark enclosure
      Katie Holmes on Season 6, or the "ac model".

      Notice what a few years and some uncalled for changes has done. Case closed, you don't have to leave but you can't stay here, you've just been hit by a smooth criminal.

      Oh, here's one more pic just in case there are some girls out there that stumbled onto the breaking page, but somehow got lost on the Supra page.

      I could be your gift to everyday
      Hyesung of the Kpop group Shin Hwa demonstrating what happens both before and after.

      I could be your breath of life

      Supra Scary Stories

      One time I was was disconnecting my radiator fan shroud with my ratchet and I somehow turned my car on. So it was running and the only way I could shut the engine off was by going inside, sticking my key onto the on position and then taking it out and turning off the turbo timer.

      Bert dynoed at 201 hp once.

      I could be your European dream
      Pic of the Jeep the day that it was sold for $1100 to two drunk dudes. Seriously.

      Honesty.com counter was logged in at 3672

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    First created 5-01-03
    Last updated 05-16-03

    Which is the most played out?

    11 people said: 1993 - 1998 Toyota Supra
    3 people said: 1990 - 1995 Toyota MR2
    4 people said: P.L.U.R.

All pictures depicted were taken by me unless noted. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes. Working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We have been raised on TV that we will all become rock stars, millionaires, and movie stars. but we wont. We're now realizing this and we are very, very pissed off.