FIGURE 27, IT'S THE REAL THING. These are actually two separate graphs that were put together into one figure. They were made with the software which is part of the Analog Discovery package. I think there is some way to call up previously made graphs and super impose them but I haven't yet figured out how to do it. Thus, only one frequency is shown and two graphs one for boost and one for cut. There is a yellow trace which is the input signal and it is always on zero. There is a blue trace that is the output of the circuit. It crosses plus 3 dB at 300 Hz, plus 6 dB at 500 Hz, plus 9 dB at 700 Hz, and reaches the peak of 11 dB at 1 kHz. Then it falls to plus 9 dB at 1.4 kHz, plus 6 dB at 2 kHz, and plus 3 dB at just a shade over 3 kHz. I can't swear it is 3.3 kHz although that is what it should be. For the cut graph just change plus to minus. Hmmm. What movie have I heard that line in?
End of verbal description.
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