There are two separate graphs in this figure. The top one is amplitude expressed in dB. The vertical scale runs from minus 11 dB at the bottom to minus 5 dB at the top. There are horizontal dashed lines at one dB intervals. The left end of the horizontal axis is labeled 435 kc and the right end is labeled 475 kc. The curve enters the graph from the bottom at minus 11 dB and approximately 445 kc. It rises steeply to a peak at minus 6 dB then falls to a minimum at 455 kc and minus 10.2 dB. It rises to another peak at minus 6 dB and then falls steeply to exit the graph at minus 11 dB and approximately 465 kc. The graph below has the same frequency scale. The vertical scale is in degrees of angle with 90 at the top and minus 360 at the bottom. There are horizontal dashed lines at 90 degree intervals. There are two curves on this graph. The red one is labeled phase of primary current. This curve starts very close to 90 degrees at the left edge of the graph. The curve falls slowly at first and more rapidly as frequency increases. It crosses zero degrees at the same frequency where the amplitude curve above reaches its first peak. The curve falls below zero to about minus 35 degrees and returns to zero at the same frequency where the amplitude curve above reaches its minimum. The curve continues to rise to about 35 degrees and then falls back to zero at the same frequency where the curve above reaches its second peak. The curve continues to fall, leveling out and almost reaching minus 90 degrees at the right end of the graph. The other curve is green and is labeled phase of secondary current. This curve starts a little below zero and falls slowly at first and more quickly as frequency increases. It crosses minus 90 before the curve above crosses zero. At the frequency of the first peak of the amplitude curve this curve is at about minus 105 degrees. It continues to fall passing through minus 180 at the frequency of the minimum of the amplitude curve. As it passes through the minus 180 degree line it levels off some but is still falling. After crossing minus 180 degrees the curve falls a little more steeply and at the frequency of the second peak of the amplitude curve is at minus 255 degrees. It falls through minus 270 degrees and levels out near the right end almost reaching minus 360 degrees. End verbal description.
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