Rectified and filtered power supplies are represented by batteries. A battery labeled E2 has its positive connected to the negative output terminal. It's negative connects through a resistor to the cathode of a gas regulator tube, VR2. The plate of this tube goes to the cathode of another regulator tube, VR1. The plate of VR1 connects to the negative output terminal. A battery labeled E1 has its negative going to the negative output terminal. The positive goes to the plate of the pass tube, a pair of 6L6s in parallel represented by one tube symbol. The positive of E1 also goes through a resistor to the screen grid of the 6BH6 error amplifier. The screen grid goes through a capacitor to the negative of E1. The screen grid also goes through a resistor to the junction of VR1 and VR2. This point connects to the cathode and suppressor grid of the 6BH6. The plate of the 6BH6 goes to the grid of the 6L6 and a resistor goes from this point to the cathode of the 6L6. A capacitor goes from the cathode of the 6L6 to the control grid of the 6BH6. A battery labeled E g 2 has its negative connected to the cathode of the 6L6 and its positive to the screen grid. The suppressor grid is internally connected to the cathode. The cathode of the 6L6 goes to the positive output terminal. This point goes through a pot connected as a rheostat, a fixed resistor, a pot connected as a pot, another fixed resistor, and another pot connected as a rheostat to the cathode of VR2. The rheostat closest to the positive output terminal is labeled zero volt adjust. The pot is labeled output voltage and the other rheostat is labeled 400 volt adjust. End verbal description.
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