Figure 1. This is a Circlotron circuit drawn in the form of a bridge. In a bridge, everything is at an angle of 45 degrees. Starting at the upper corner, and going clockwise, the upper corner connects to the negative of a battery labeled B2. The positive of this battery connects to the right corner of the bridge. Moving on around the right corner connects to the plate of a triode tube which is labeled V2. The cathode of V2 goes to the bottom corner of the bridge. The bottom corner goes to the negative of a battery labeled B1. The positive goes to the left corner. The left corner goes to the plate of V1. The cathode of V1 goes to the top corner of the bridge. The top of the primary of the output transformer goes to the top corner of the bridge. The bottom of the transformer primary goes to the bottom corner of the bridge. The center tap is grounded. The secondary is shown but is not connected to anything. The grid connections of V1 and V2 are facing inward. The grid of v1 goes through a resistor to a node which is in the exact center of the bridge. The grid of V2 goes through another resistor to the center node. This node goes to the negative of a battery labeled C. The positive end of the C battery is grounded. Each grid also goes through its own capacitor to its own terminal point. Between the two terminal points is the word drive. End verbal description.
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