Figure 7. There are three power transformers in this circuit. All three primaries are connected in parallel. The wide prong of the power plug goes to the bottom ends of all three primaries. The narrow prong goes through a fuse then a single pole single throw switch to the top end of all three primaries. The top transformer is labeled 250 dash 0 dash 250 at 60 m eh, Hammond 269JX. The high voltage secondary has its center tap going to point G. There is a 0.002 u f 6 k v capacitor connected across the entire secondary. There is a diode bridge connected across the secondary. The positive output of the bridge goes through a 100 ohm resistor to the positive end of a 22 u f 450 v cap, the negative end goes to point G. The positive of the cap goes through a 12 k ohm resistor to the positive end of another 22 u f cap. The negative end goes to point G. The junction of the 12 k ohm resistor and the second 22 u f cap goes to point D. The negative output of the bridge goes through a 100 ohm resistor to the negative end of a 47 u f 450 volt cap, the positive end goes to point G. The negative end of the cap goes through a 3.3 k ohm 1 watt resistor to the negative end of another 47 u f 450 V cap, the positive end goes to point G. The junction of the resistor and capacitor goes to point E. The junction also goes through a 56 k ohm 1 watt resistor to the negative end of a 10 u f 150 V cap, the positive end goes to point G. The junction of the cap and resistor goes to one end of a 10 k ohm pot. The other end goes through a 4.7 k ohm resistor to point G. The wiper of the pot goes to point F. The ends of the 6.3 volt heater winding on the 269JX go to pins 3 and 4 of the 6BH6, and to Pins 9 and 4 and 5 connected together on two 12 eh X 7s. The ends of the winding go to the ends of two 150 ohm resistors. The other ends of both resistors go to point G. The two lower transformers are labeled 350 dash 0 dash 350 at 90 mA, Hammond 273DX. The plate, high voltage winding, of this transformer has a 0.002 6 kV cap connected across it. The ends of the secondary go to the anodes of two silicon diodes. The two cathodes are connected together and go to the positive end of a 40 u f 500 v cap, the negative end goes to the center tap. The positive end of this cap also goes to point L. The positive end also goes through a 1 k ohm 1 watt resistor to the positive end of another 40 u f 500 v cap, the negative end goes to the center tap. The positive end of the second cap goes to point K. The center tap of the plate winding goes through a 10 ohm 1 percent 1 watt resistor to point J. The 6.3 volt heater winding of this transformer has its ends connected to pins 2 and 7 of an EL34. The ends also go to the ends of two 150 ohm resistors. The other ends of both resistors go to point G. The second 273DX is wired exactly the same except that the top of the first capacitor goes to point P, the top of the second cap goes to point N, and the end of the 10 ohm resistor away from the center tap goes to point M. End verbal description.
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