Passive insertable tone control circuit. There is an input jack on the left. The shield of the jack is connected to a line we will call ground although there is no ground symbol shown on the schematic. The center conductor of the jack goes to the junction of two 10 k ohm resistors. The other end of the first 10 k ohm res goes to the top of the bass pot, 100 k ohm audio taper. The bottom of the pot goes through a 1 k ohm res to ground. There is a 0.018 uf cap connected from the wiper to the top and a 0.18 uf cap from the wiper to the bottom of the bass pot. There is a 10 k ohm res connected from the wiper of the bass pot to the wiper of the treble pot, a 100 k ohm audio taper. The bottom of the treble pot goes through a 0.01 uf cap then a 1 k ohm res to ground. The top of the treble pot goes through a 0.001 uf cap to one end of the 10 k ohm res that is connected to the center of the input jack. The wiper of the treble pot goes to the center of the output jack. The shield of the output jack is grounded. End verbal description.
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