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I Love Me In My Tragic Beauty
A Proclamation Of Self-Indulgence
By Jodi L. Linderman

"Even when she was tired, her dark eyes were observant.  She did not yet know the immense ability of the world to be casually cruel and proudly dull, but if she should ever learn those dismaying powers, her eyes would never become sullen or heavy or rheumily amorous."
---Sinclair Lewis in "Main Street"

       Well...look at that.  I finally put my picture up...
        On this site, hastily constructed to give the masses of would-be admirers insight on my brilliance and to distinguish myself from the rest of you fools, you will find everything you need to get yourself one step closer to becoming a valid individual, in my eyes at least, which is all that truly matters.
        Under no circumstance will e-mails intended to "give me pointers" be tolerated.  I really don't care what any of you have to say, unless it's in my favour.  I'm generally a nice person with high degrees of maturity, logic, and virtue...I let it slide a bit in order to perform the arduous task of website design.  I don't believe that there will ever be a finished product, as I have never been one to travel past my initial intentions...all of this is spontaneous and entirely at random.