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elena's new do

The snow man is Phil. Need I say more?

I thought it was a decent picture of the statue. I liked it at least.

Elena ^_^

^elena and I before band banquet

^Prom 2003. Woohoo!!! (I am not a freak. I am not a freak...)

The left picture is my favorite in my journal. The right picture is what I do in my spare time...

Where I tend to reside when I sleep or get utterly bored.

Cute things YAY. My cat Luna.

More practical but just as cool. And of course the best carbonated beverage known to man.


The things and places I love the most...

My brother has more hair stuff than I do *shudder*. And, on your right is a fourth of the Disney movies we have. Crikey

My pink flamingo beak WOOO!
the colorguard's pumpkin WOOOO

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