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HEHEHE I love ya Laura ^_^

[*If you cant stop thinking about someone put this in your profile*]

ask me 3 questions, anything u want, and i'll answer honestly-lol I stealin it from ya riley

TES Gentlemen's Elite Volleyball rules

and so does the Women's Semi-Elite Volleyball team who kick @$$


lol robert

The Buccaneers own!!!!!!11

and so do the Yankees... alll I have to say is....


yup it happened the Red Sucks beat the yanks in game seven and than swept the wold series

watch it or your a loser lol

this too

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Starbucks Glen Commercial
Boo Got Shot
Potter Puppet Pals
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Kewl Games

Enter your very own buzzwords term and hit "Buzz!"

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Test your skill. How many boxes can you check in 20 seconds?

I gonna change the questions soon, I jus dont have time now.

Kewl Quotes



lol good times in volleyball

MikEbRuDu: hell no, why would i slice a carrot with my nose?

Oiomorion: rebuild the tashma hall in your closet

Oiomorion: that one took me some time

"What if everything you see is more than what you see--the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it is really a dorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things." -Shugeru Miyamoto

"The Playstation 2 eats small children and the Xbox will give you brain trauma if it falls in your head."

Have you ever noticed nothing? It doesn't consist of anything, it's just nothing. There is nothing cool about nothing. Nothing that stands out about it. It is what we call nothing. Nothing is what nothing does. It is just nothing. There is nothing about the way it talks or walks. There is nothing about the way it looks or the way it smells. It can't even be any of those things because it is nothing. Nothing at all.

Something can "be" nothing. It's like talking about a perfect vacuum. That perfect vacuum is something and so is nothing. But then, if nothing is something, then what is nothing? Nothing can't be something because there is nothing about it. Nothing at all.

Nobody is a nothing ya know. If it's nobody, then it's no one which is indeed nothing. You have to be something to not be nothing and nobody isn't a something so it is a nothing. A nothing is all it is. Nobody has nothing about them because nobody does not exist. If it did exist, it would be somebody instead of nobody. There is nothing about nobody. Nothing at all.

Nowhere happens to be a nothing. If you are somewhere then you are in a place that exists. A place that is real. Nowhere doesn't exist, therefore it is a nothing. You can't go to this place. You can't eat at a restaurant there or shop in its many malls. You can't even see it on a map. Why? It's nowhere. There is nothing about nowhere. Nothing at all.

This message is about nothing, yet ironically, it is something. If it wasn't something, it wouldn't exist. So oddly, the message about nothing, was something, which ruins the point. Speaking of the point, there is no point to this. There is nothing about the point. Nothing at all....

"Close your ears to the voice of greed, and you can turn a gift for one into a gift for many."

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