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"It's times like these that I wish that I became a... shoe salesman."

E-mail: Notorious
Power Level: 15,750
Attacks: Burning Attack, Masenko, Destructo Disk, Eye Laser, Bukujutsu, Solar Flare, Cosmic Halo, Chou Kamehameha, Kakusandan, Power Shot Blast, zanzoken, Time Stop, Special Beam Cannon, Renzoku Energy Dan, Kikoho, Hokako Kyodan, Flame Cannon, Daichiretsuzan, Shin Shin no ken, Crasher Ball, Zanzoken, S.S. Deadly Bomb
Zenni: 4,100
Items: Scouter, Training Bot, Weighted Boots and wrist bands
Special Abilities: Heal
Trainings:World Martial Arts Tournament Training, Master Roshi's Training, Korin Training, Kami Training, Dende's Training, Started Nail's Training-1/21 Alliance: Good
Location: Namek
Status: Alive