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"How many people begged for their lives before you killed them anyway? Did you show mercy when I asked you to spare my best friend Krillin?!"

Power Level: 36,640
Attacks: Bukujutsu, Kamehameha, Zanzoken, Masenko, Destructo Disk, Flame Cannon, Chou Kamehameha, Special Beam Cannon, Burning Attack, Shin Shin no Ken, Solar Flare, Kikoho, Shiyoken, Kaioken, Genki Dama
Zenni: 51,930
Items: 5 senzu beans
Special Abilities: None
Trainings: World Martial Arts, Master Roshi's training, Goz and Mez training, King Kai training
Alliance: Good
Location: Space heading for Namek
Status: Alive