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The cameraman finds Raven in a gym in New Jersey. In the gym people are running laps and playing basketball. Raven walks up to the people playing basketball and stops their five on five game. Raven is wearing a gray beanie, a black shirt with nothing on it, some black jeans with a black belt and his TV Title on his shoulder. Five of the basketball players have on red basketball shorts and no shirts. The other half has on black basketball shorts with red tanktops. The basketball players get outraged when Raven steps on the court. One of the basketball players begin to yell at him.

What are you doing man!?! Get off the court!

Tis not I who should get off the court, but you are the one that should get off the court.

What are you talking about man?

Let me speak your language. I challenge you to a game. Not just you but all of you. I can beat you all.

All of the players begin to laugh arrogantly and loudly.

Okay, come on freak.

The game starts and they begin to play. They decide to go up to twenty-one. When the game ends the score was Raven zero, the players twenty-one. During the game Raven got crossed over like twenty times. Raven who is outraged begins to speak.

What kind of stuff is this? This isn’t basketball.

Yes it is. You just can’t play. Did you really think you could beat us?

Absolutley. I know I can beat you. All of you! Do you know who I am? I am Raven. The CWF TV Champion, the former CWF World Champion.

Well I am Paul Pierce. I am the Pro that plays for the Boston Celtics. You might know me as “The Truth” That is what people call me.

Well I call you a pest. A depraved lunatic! You know what? I don’t have time for you. I have other stuff to worry about. Forget this.

Raven walks off the court bitterly. He stands by the door and begin to talk.

That is a prime example of how society really is. The arrogance of this society. The arrogance of The Hurricane. You see, at Leathal Punishment I face The Hurricane and Matt Hardy, title for title. Matt’s Us Title for my TV Title. I don’t know if I want to step into the ring with The Hurricane and Matt Hadry. Not because I am scared of them. But because of his depravity. Hurricane and Matt Hardy, I don’t want to hurt you but if I must I will. I am a righteous man and I will hurt you. Hurricane, Matt. you are like a schizophrenic insane men with two personalities. One of them in which in the one that wants to be friends with everyone and the other is the one that is full of depravity and morning. I am going to beat you two so bad that you will look inscrutable to all that sees you or lays and eye on you. Just liked the self proclaimed professional basketball player Paul Pierce, you will be put into a path and be told to find the way out. The only problem this that I am the expert pathfinder and I am not with you but yet against you. Hurricane, Quote The Raven, Nevermore.

Raven walks out of the gym door and the show goes to a commercial break.