Justin, this is where I can write notes to you and show you what's in my diary from day to day. I hope you're okay in Canada.

5/1: I've added new stuff!!! yay!! I stayed home today cuz I got up late. I got my money order, and I wrote you al letter...hopefully both will be sent tomorrow. I miss you!!!

5/2: I mailed your letter today. i sent my money order for my CD today, too. I wore your shirt today. I smelled like you. it made me miss you even more. read ur notes. and check out mah page with mah story. ttyl!! call me!!

5/5: hey!!! umm....hummmm....read ur notes...i dont think i have ne updatez... oh!! i should be getting my CD soon..and....OH! Im starting drver's ed on the 17th!! yay!!! email me!!! I miss you!!

5/5: Im adding a diary entry... all of my diary entries will start with 'Dear Diary', to that's how you'll know the difference.

5/7: im sorrie that i havent written in a few days, but i've been busy. so...check your notes. i miss you!

5/8: hey you! look at ur notes...i have a favour to ask you...ok?

5/10: ok...so now i find out that you used me for sex.... and so did tyler. what next? when am i gonna learn, justin, when am i gonna learn?

5/11: hey. uhmmm... read ur notes...this one's important. and im sorrie. i really am.

5/16: justin! im sorry i havent written. i see ur checking it, tho. i miss you terribly. promise you'll call me when you get to your hotel room? please? i have to hear your voice at least once more. please. for me.

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