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**...The Scene Open's...In a little shop..In Victoria Texas...Where we see Molly Holly is shopping there....The Camera's then enter the store...As we then see it's not only just a little's a women's boutique....We see molly holly is picking out a little baby blue dress nighty...She smiles...She then heads to the dressing rooms..We then see Molly Holly Walk out in the baby blue nighty..She then stands there..for a minute..seeing if she likes it or not...The Camera watches Molly Holly...Molly Holly the smiles..and turns to the mirror..and look's at the blue nighty..She smiles..and then we see The Coach..then steps into the boutique..As he grins..and then look's back towards the dressing room...He then smiles..and heads back there..Molly see's him in the mirror..and then turns around..we see The Coach's eyes go directly he grins...The camera look's at where The Coach is looking at...**

**...Molly Holly laughs..and then begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Coach!...Hey!..

**...Coach doesn't pay any attention...She then look's where Coach's eyes are..She covers herself up..She then begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Coach!!...What are you doing..turn around..

**...The Coach realizes he was staring...He shakes it off..and then smiles and turns around...As he laughs...He begins to speak...While Molly is in one of the dressing room...**

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: (laughs)..Hey sorry Molly..It's just..Well you look hott!..(smiles)..I mean..(thinks of what molly is all about)..You look beautiful...

**...Molly Holly smiles..She open's the dressing room door..and walks a white shirt..and a pair of blue jeans...she smiles..and stands by The Coach and faces him....**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (laughs)..Thanks Coach...(smiles)..So what are you doing in a boutique anyways..It's for women's clothes anyway...

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: I just wanted to talk to you about your match..You know the one..that you can have the chance of Test..being your slave for a week...

**..Molly Holly laughs..and she begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (smiles and grins)...Yeah..But I really don't want to fight Andrew..(grins)..I mean..He wouldn't be very happy..if he lost to his girlfriend..(grins)...

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: (laughs)...Well after your done..with shopping..Could I have a few words with you about your match..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Yeah sure..I'll just go and pay for the things I picked...(smiles)..

**..Molly Holly smiles..The Coach nods..and then we see Molly Holly head up to the counter...with a silk flower blue nighty..and then a white fuzzy and silk teddy..As she giggles..and blushes a bit...As she get's everything paid for..and then smiles..and says thank you..and carries the bag..Out of the door..She walks across the street..and put's the bag in her Classic 60's car..and then heads over to where The Coach is standing..She smiles..and leans on a tree...**

**..Molly Holly she waits for The Coach to begin speak...As The Coach then smiles..and begins to speak...**

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: Well Molly..I know your thoughts on Test..but what about this match..(laughs)...What are some of your thoughts..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Well...It's a match..that I don't want to fight Andrew..but I the Slave for a week part..(giggles)..I think I'm really going to like that..I mean..I did say that I wanted Andrew to marry me..and they did say you have to do whatever the person says..(grins)..So I think I should go shopping for a dress...

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: (laughs) will want to get married..but you know Molly..When your know what comes after the Wedding..(grins)..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: I know..(smiles) go on vacation..and sit next to the ocean..and just relax..(smiles)..

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: (smiles)..Yeah..but the night of your wedding..You know..The honeymoon..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Coach..What are you talking about...

**The Dancin' Fool Interviewer-The Coach: Well you know molly...(whispers softly to molly) make love on your honeymoon...

**..Molly Holly look's shocked as she's begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Oh Gosh..Coach..I didn't..I mean..Do I really want to go on with this marriage thing..I mean..I can't...but I love Andrew..Oh Gosh..I have to go talk to Debra..sorry coach..but I have to go..Thanks for the interview..

**....Molly Holly then hugs Coach..and waves goodbye...She then heads to her car..She get's into her car..and then drives the scene fades..**

**...The Scene Open's...At the hotel in Victoria, Texas..Where alot of the Web Wrestling Federation Superstars..are staying at..As we then see the camera's are in Molly Holly's hotel room..She's getting go somewhere...and then we see she has a Bikini Top on..and a tan skirt..and flip flops on..She the phone rings...She pick's it up...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Hello This is Molly Holly's hotel room..

**..The other person on the phone begins to speak...**

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Hey Molly...

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Hey Debra..How are you doing...

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Oh..I'm doing good..I just wanted to see how your doing...

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: I'm doing good..Why..(laughs)...Did I do something wrong..or did something wrong happen..that I wouldn't be good..(laughs)...

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Well you do have that match with Test..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Oh that..(smiles and laughs)..I'm happy about the match..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Your what..your happy about the match...

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (giggles)..Well yeah..I finally get what I want..(giggles)..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: But Molly..You know if Test wins..Well..(laughs) know what he'll want..I don't plan the poor guy..(laughs)..Not being able to show how much he loves you..That must be frustrating for him..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (laughs)..Andrew isn't frustrated..(smiles)..Well I don't think so..He know's my morals..Well are very important to me...and Andrew isn't going to win...

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Well..maybe I should go pick you up an outfit..for when Test wins..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Debra..(look's embarassed while talking to Debra)...I'm not going to loose..(smiles and giggles)..Are you still going to stop over..Or do you want me to meet you downstairs..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Well..I still need to get maybe meet me down stairs..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Okay..Will do...(smiles)..So I'll see you in a little bit..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Yeah..(giggles)..Bye...

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Okay Buh Bye..

**..Molly Holly then smiles..and hangs up the phone...Molly Holly then goes and grabs a cotten shaw..just incase it's cold..She then heads out the door...she shut's and lock's the door..and then walks down the hallway..towards the elevator....She presses the button...and waits for the elevator..Just then the elevator door open's..She step's inside..and then the doors closes...The door open's..and she's down in the lobby...She smiles..and waves to the people passing..and then Molly Holly walks out to the back of the hotel..where we see there's a wodden deck..and a pool..and other things..Molly Holly then goes and walks outside..and then walks over to a table..she then sit's down..and leans on it..and she waits for Debra...and then Debra walks out of the hotel..She smiles..when she see's Molly...As Molly Holly look's at her and smiles...**

**..Debra then sit's she smiles at Molly Holly..and begins to speak...**

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Hey Molly...It's such a night day...(smiles)..I'm glad I didn't make my nail appointment today....

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (giggles)..Yeah..(smiles)..Oh..I have an un-easy feeling about this match...

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: I told you why..(laughs)..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Oh No..(smiles)..not that..I don't know if this feeling is good or bad..But I just know something's going to happen..(smiles)..

**..Debra then pauses..As she look's at Molly Holly...**

**..Debra then begins to speak..**

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Well Let's just hope..for your win the match...(laughs)..I know how much you are proud of being pure..and innocent and all that crap..(laughs)..If I we're you..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Which your not..(smiles)..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: I know..(pause)..I'm just saying..If I were you..(smiles)..I would loose on purpose..did you look at your boyfriend lately..He's a looker..(smiles)..Not as much as Steve through..But still...I would loose on purpose..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Debra!!..(laughs)..I consider myself..very lucky to have a guy that doesn't care about that kind of stuff..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: Kind of stuff..(smiles) can't even say it..It's Sex's nothing that no one has never heard of before..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Debra!..(smiles)..Someone could hear you...(laughs)..

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: So what if they know what you should do..(smiles) should watch that Sex Show..What's it called..Oh Web Wrestling Federation's Sex Talk..The host is Jenna Jameson..Now that girl nows everything..I know Stephanie probably still doesn't like her..but she's moved on..Thank the lord for that..(laughs)..but she talks about everything..(pause)..I think it's a pretty interesting show...

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Oh My watch that show..(laughs)..I will admit..but you can't tell anyone..that I do watch bits and peices of it once and awhile..She does seem to know what she's talking about...

**The Beautiful and Talented Lady of The Faction-Debra: should watch it..all the time..She's a very smart woman..(smiles)..

**..Molly Holly and Debra contiue to talk...As the scene fades...**

**..The Scene Open's..At a local Radio Station...As we see Molly Holly walking into the Main part of the radio station..with the guys ready for her to go on air..As she sit's down..and put's a head set on..and smiles..As they begin to introduce her..**

**The Texas Radio Station DJ-Rocko Superdizy: Well..Well..Well..Ladies and Gentlemen..A very special guest that I have been telling you all here..Miss Molly Holly..from the big promotion..wrestling company..Web Wrestling Federation...Now Molly Holly...Tell us a little about yourself..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Well..(smiles)..My name is Molly Holly..I'm from Mobile, Alabama..and I got into the business with my cousins...Hardcore and Crash Holly..and then I just started working really hard on my wrestling..and my boyfriend is Andrew..You all know him as Test..(giggles)..I'm not a very exciting person..(laughs)..

**The Texas Radio Station DJ-Rocko Superdizy: are exciting..Because you came here..and We're going to talk about your match...Now Molly..your going into a wrestling match..with your boyfriend..and it's a Slave for a week match..Now if I was your boyfriend..You know what I would want..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: No..What would you want..if you we're my boyfriend..and you won this Slave for a week match...

**The Texas Radio Station DJ-Rocko Superdizy: Well..(grins)..I would want you to be my love slave baby!!..your hott..and I don't know how he can stand..not to be able to put his hands..and other things..(grins)..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: No!..Please don't finish that sentence..well I'm glad your not my boyfriend..because..My Gosh..that's just..Well Andrew doesn't want those kind of things..and if you continue to talk about that..and about me that way..I'll just have..have to leave..

**The Texas Radio Station DJ-Rocko Superdizy: Well..I guess ladies and gentlemen..Molly Holly is going to leave soon..because Wooo Hooo...Your hott..Now..I know this isn't the howard stern show or whatever...but you know those girls go full why don't you go full out for me..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Full Out?..What do you mean...

**The Texas Radio Station DJ-Rocko Superdizy: Full Out Nudity Baby!!..Come a little dance for ya sugar..

**..Molly Holly look's angry..and upset..for the situation he put her in..she calmy takes her head set off...and then set's it down..and get's up..As she walks past him to leave..he smacks her on the butt..She turns around..and grabs him..and then put's him in a choke she look's angry...**

**...Molly Holly then let's the man go..and then walks out of the radio station..looking the scene fades...**

**...The Scene Open's backstage..In The Web Wrestling Federation's Victoria, Texas..As we see superstars walking back and the dining area..and then we look down..the hallway..and we see Molly Holly is posing for some pictures..for a newspapers...As the camera's go down the hallway..and watch Molly Holly posing for pictures...**

**..The Newspaper people then take a few more they walk up to Molly Holly..holding out there little recorders..and their pencils and tablets...As they all begin to speak at once..Molly Holly giggles..and then begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Hey!..(giggles) at a time..I can't understand one of you from another..(smiles)..

**..Molly Holly one reporter begins to speak...**

**Reporter Number One: Hello..Molly..Now I wanted to ask you..How has your stay here in Victoria, Texas been..From my knowledge this is the first time..Web Wrestling Federation has visited Victoria..They have visited..Austin..and Dallas..But never Victoria..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Well It's been so great..everyone has been very nice..and It's a very nice town..I love all the shops..and Cafe's..It's just a pleasure being here..and meeting everyone I can..(giggles)..

**..Another reporter begins to speak...**

**Reporter Number Two: You are in a wrestling match with Test..a well-known Superstar in Web Wrestling Federation..and your boyfriend...What are your thoughts on facing him in a wrestling match..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Well..(giggles)..I know Andrew would never hurt me..(smiles)..I just think this will be a fun experience..and I hope to win it..(grins)...I know that Andrew wants to win this..But I really do too!..(smiles) I think this match is going to be one that we both work hard on..I know I'm at a disadvantage..Being Andrew is much bigger than me..and knows alot more wrestling than I do..But I'm going to try my hardest...

**..Reporters write things another reporter begins to speak....**

**Reporter Number Three: Well..what about the stipulation..It's a Slave for a week match..Can you explain to us..for who don't know about the wrestling world..about the stipuation..and what your thoughts on it are..

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: (giggles)..Well a Slave Match for a just what is sounds like..The looser of this match..will have to be the winner's slave..Which is just a embarassing way of putting..that you have to do everything the winner tells you to do..It should be a fun experience..since I'm going to win..I think for both of us..this match isn't going to be's just going to be fun for the both of us..and for the people watching..that are present in the arena..and the viewers at home..(smiles)...

**..The Reporter they write everything they thank Molly Holly for her time..Molly Holly she shakes their hands..and smiles..and nods...As she heads back down the change to go to the the scene fades...**

**.."Picture Perfect By Angela" Plays..As we then see the fans go wild..As they stand up..for one of their favorite Females in The Web Wrestling Federation..Molly Holly!!..As she then walks out of back..She then she waves to all of the fans that are cheering her...She she walks down the ramp..She then goes and walks towards the ring steps...**

**..Molly Holly then she goes up the steel steps..and then walks onto the apron..She then goes and get's into the ring and then walks over to the other side of the ring..and then waits for Lillian to give her the mic...Lillian Walks ringside..and then begins to speak into the mic...**

**The Lovely Voice-Lillian Garcia: Ladies And Gentlemen..Standing in the ring....From Mobile Alabama...Molly Holly!!

**...Lillian Garcia Molly Holly smiles at her..And then Lillian hands her a mic...Molly Holly get's the mic..and smiles..and then brings the mic up to her mouth..and begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: ..Hey Everyone!!...Well I'm just out here to talk about my match..against Andrew..(giggles)..and It's a slave for a week match..Now I'm not too sure about what kinds of things Test would want me to do if He won..(giggles)..But that's not going to happen..because I'm going to try my hardest to win this match..and I think that if I try enough..maybe..I could..well be close to winning...(pause)..Andrew is much bigger than me..and he has been in wrestling a little bit longer than I have..(giggles)...

..I just don't know...I don't know if I really do want to get married..because that's what I would do..if I won this match..(giggles)..I need to talk to people..see what they think..I don't know if I'm ready..for that step..I think I am..but I'm really not sure...and I don't know if I want to loose this match..because people have been saying..what Andrew would do..but I haven't gotten a chance to talk to see what he would do..(pause)..

..I don't know if I would want to loose this match either seeing that What people have said what Andrew wants..I don't want to do that..but..Oh..this is a match..that I just don't know about..but I want to go talk to Sorry to cut this short..thanks for listening...(giggles)..Buh Bye..

**..Molly Holly smiles..and put's down the mic..and smiles..and waves goodbye...As she then walks to the ropes..and get's out of the ring..she then smiles.and shakes the fans she walks up the ramp..and to the backstage the scene fades.**

**..The Scene Open' we see Molly Holly getting off a plane...We see her carrying a small bag...and then walking off the plane..and heading towards someone..She then smiles..sit's down the bag..and hugs the woman..She then begins to speak...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Hey Mom..I'm so happy to see you..

**Molly Holly's Mother-Mrs. Holly: Oh..It's good to see you too...Let's get you home..and we can talk about dad has been dying to see you...

**..Molly Holly smiles..and pick's up her bag..her mother put's her arm around her..and they head back into the airport..**

***20 minutes later***

**..The Scene Open's back up...As we see Molly Holly inside her mom's classic car..listening to oldies..As Molly begins to speak...**

**Molly Holly's Mother-Mrs. Holly: Mom..I just don't know what to do...How did you and dad know..when you we're ready to get married..

**Molly Holly's Mother-Mrs. Holly: Molly..You just know it...Just relax...Untill we get home...It's not all the time that I get to have my daughter come home..You have your own house..and own life now..and I know that..but it's good to have you here..(smiles)..

**..Molly Holly then smiles..and leans back and relaxes...As the scene fades to black...**

**..The Scene Open' we see Molly Holly stepping out of the house..onto the porch..she then walks over to the swing..we see Molly Holly's dad reading the newspaper..and sipping his tea...sitting in another chair..Molly Holly walks over..and kneels on the swing..and holds onto the chains..and look's at her dad...**

**The Pure and Innocent Angel-Molly Holly: Dad...You have raised me to be a respectedful woman..and I hold up to my morals..and beliefs..but Dad..People say things..that I don't know or want to know..

**..Molly Holly's dad then sit's down his newspaper..and then look's up..and begins to speak...**

**Molly Holly's Dad-Mr. Holly: Well Dear..There are evils in this world..and I tried to keep them away from you..but I know that your a grown woman..and maybe you don't like or understand people..and things sometimes..but that's your way of always want a challenge..and I think whatever's bothering you..will go away..soon enough..

**..Molly Holly sighs..and then sit's down on the swing..and leans back and relax' we hear her dad begin to speak..**

**Molly Holly's Dad-Mr. Holly: You know...You should bring that Andrew up here to meet have been dating him for some time now..I know your busy and all..But I would like to meet the boy..and I want you to know..I trust you in whatever you do..and I give my blessing to whichever path in the road you want to take..I know you are a grown woman..and know's what to any situation...and I hope you always let your heart lead the way..(smiles)..

**.Molly Holly smiles..and then goes over to her dad..and hugs him..they begin to talk the scene black...**


Roleplay Number:

Test Vs. Molly Slave for a week match on showdown


People Used:
Molly Holly
Radio Station Guy "Rocko Superdizy"
The Coach
Mrs. Holly ( Molly Holly's Mommy )

People Mentioned

Women's Champion (1x), Women's Tag Team Champions (1x), Hardcore Champion (2x), One of the ladies of the faction, Test's Girlfriend

Theme Music: Picture Perfect By Angela

Stable In:
The Faction


Wrestler in Web Wrestling Federation Since:
March 19th 2001

The Layout was made by Catrina...Go visit Starlight Productions 2002 to order one from her...

I'm A Fan

Graphic Credit

Starlight Productions 2002