The Band

MuDsHiT(Dakota McCarty)
Mudshit is the bassplayer of H.A.S.H. He kicks ass at it too. He doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment but he'll find a girl soon. If your ever around him much you'll see that he acts crazy as hell. Hes cool. His best friends are Tabby & Trevor.

ShitHead(Keith Mays)
ShitHead is the guitar player of H.A.S.H. Hes cool and crazy to be around. He has a girlfriend names Kelly from Mansfield. He acts like the the player type but hes a queer. His best friend is Hallie.

FrostY(Erin Foster)
Frosty is the drumer of H.A.S.H. Hes always pretty calm so we call him frosty. Hes crazy as the other guys to be around. He doesnt have a girlfriend either so hes available. His best friend are Sambo & Erica.

The Man(Micah Hankins)
The Man is the vocals of H.A.S.H. He is sometimes crazy but only to mess with people. He can be serious too if you mess with his friends.His faorite word is He has a girlfriend named Jessica Leigh. His best friends are Amanda, Hallie, Katie Jo, and Tabby.

People from Stanley