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My Artwork


This part is just some of the pictures that I drew and scanned and edited, you may see the same picture over and over again just with some slight alteration, that's because I haven't got that many good pictures to scan up.

The first picture is Dark rapture which I drew and my friend Ellis Gibbs helped me color in.

The second picture, again I drew it and Ellis colored but I've done all the computer graphics.

This character is from an English assignment that I had to do. I only colored him in so I could put it on this page.


Jester is a character I created accidentally while trying to draw Spyro the dragon. basically he's a clown assassin that kills of people for large sums of money. the Jester costume is an air loom as it has run down his family to be Jester. he has a sister to who is called Jezebel, I'll draw a picture of her later and stick it on. This picture might not look like much but it's the original. I'll try finding another one.


This is another picture of Jester. It's a bit muffed up as the legs are proportionally too small and the hip's are to thin. I did this Quickly as I can't find my good pictures of Jester. Also it has Jester's Quote "If life's a joke, does it matter how we DIE!?"


This picture I have recently found. i drew it in class and thought it would look good in cyberspace. Unfourtunatly my scanner decided it would stop working as well as it normally does and i fucked it up but it's still decent.