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Welcome to my home page, yadda yadda yadda.

If you're here, I assume you want my C sources. I've commented them extensively, so much so that in theory if you just check through them you should be able learn the basics of C - in theory.

In case you're wondering, I'm learning C using a textbook called 'C By Example'.

Program 1 - A 'Hello World' program.
Program 2 - A 'Hello World' program with carriage returns.
Program 3 - A simple program that adds two (user-defined) numbers together.
Program 4 - A kilogram to pound convertor.
Program 5 - A kilogram to pound convertor using a while loop, allowing the user to end the program when enough weights have been converted.
Program 6 - A program that calculates the factorial of a user-defined number.
Program 7 - I have no idea why I wrote this. It just divides one number into another, stopping if the divisor is zero.
Program 8 - This program picks the largest number out of a series of numbers.
Program 9 - A Celsius to Farenheit convertor. Enter -999 to exit.
Program 10 - Detects whether a user-defined variable is odd or even.
Program 11 - Detects whether a user-defined variable is a prime number.
Program 12 - Detects whether a user-defined variable is a perfect square (i.e. its square root is whole).
Program 13 - A program that has no real use whatsoever. You enter the original price of an item, then the percentage reduction per day, then it tells you how many days will pass before it goes below half price.
Program 14 - A program which takes a set of unit numbers, unit prices and selling figures and tells you which unit number made the most money.