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Earth Vending

My name is Doug Rohloff and I have always been interested in how I could do my part on saving the rain forest. I am now working on a project with the Adopt an Acre® foundation by helping them locate my small quarter vending machines. This project helps to raise funds for the conservancy’s Adopt an Acre® program. There will be no cost or obligation on your part. Earth Vending will keep the unit full of candy of your choice and will keep it clean. You can help by allowing me to place a unit in your business? Under no circumstances will this service cost you money. I will do all the servicing of the machine(s). I would like to point out that Earth Vending only uses name brand candy such as M&M’s, Skittle’s or Hot Tamales. We want to give our customers the very best just as you do. By helping us with this project, you cannot lose but can gain more satisfied customers!

Forest Facts

· Although rainforests cover less than 2 percent of the Earth's total surface and 7 percent of its land surface, they are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals.

· Tropical rainforests contain 70 percent of the world's vascular plants, 30 percent of all bird species and 90 percent of all invertebrates.

· A typical four square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 125 mammal species, 400 species of birds, 100 species of reptiles, 60 species of amphibians, and 150 different species of butterflies.

· Rainforests provide a number of products used by humans including cocoa, chewing gum, coffee, bananas, timber, and a number of medicinal products.

· A quarter of the medicines available today owe their existence to plants. 70 percent of the plants identified by the National Cancer Institute as useful in the treatment of cancer are found only in the rainforest. Yet fewer than 1 percent of the tropical rainforest species have been analyzed for their chemical compounds.

· Before 1500, there were approximately 6 million indigenous people living in the Brazilian Amazonia. In the early 1990s, there were less than 250,000.

· 50 percent of remaining temperate rainforest is located in North America. Chile is home to the largest remaining coastal temperate rainforest in the southern hemisphere.
· Temperate rainforest accumulate and store more organic matter than any other forest type.

· Originally, 6 million square miles of tropical rainforest existed worldwide. As a result of deforestation, only 2.6 million square miles remains today.

· Tropical deforestation results in the loss of 100 species per day.

· At current rates of tropical forest loss, 5-10 percent of closed tropical rainforest species will be lost per decade.

· Between 1960 1990, 1.1 billion acres of tropical rainforest were cleared.

· Between 1960-80, Asia lost 1/3 of its tropical forest cover, the highest rate of forest conversion ever.

· Temperate rainforest used to be located on almost every continent, however, today only 50 percent, or 75 million acres, of these forests remain worldwide.

Helpfull Web Sites

Florida Weather
Adopt an Acre®
Cyber Quotes
Linking the people who change the world

