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Direct Marketing Association


We are a leading specialist in digital response media. We work with a strong portfolio of clients to deliver real ROI from digital marketing.

Our digital marketing expertise covers the planning, buying and tracking of highly targeted online advertising campaigns through all responsive online & digital channels from the web to email, SMS & PDA’s.

A Direct Marketing Approach to Search Engine Optimisation has given us a further accountable form of online promotion for our clients. Delivering targeted, accountable search engine optimisation strategies coupled with targeted online advertising, has enabled us to help clients effectively target their audience through any form of online activity and deliver ROI.

Our current live activity includes some of the most precise targeting found in the UK market, our reporting of post view and click activity is some of the most detailed currently offered to clients.

Our success is through attention to detail, every detail.

To learn more about us or what we do and how we do it, please use the navigation on the left.

If you wish to contact Cheeze, you will find these details here.



Client Zone

Clients, use your username and password to log in here.

If you are unsure of your password, please contact us.



Cheeze become Top 10 Agency
In the latest New Media Age League Tables, Cheeze are listed tenth...
We Have Moved!

Cheeze move into new premises, new contact details available.


Are you a Blogger?

With Google's recent purchase of Blogger, we look at the phenomenon that is 'Blogging.' 

  Making online advertising work