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Butt-Ugly Republican Party

We are the voice of aesthetics for the Republican Party,
who have brought you such wrinkled and butt-ugly faces as;

Richard Nixon

The really ugly president who brought us Watergate,
and such low tricks as 'officially' ending the Viet Nam war 2 months before
election time, thereby making the Republican Party look anti-war!
The public are so gullible...

Gerald Ford

Who pardoned Nixon and in turn was made President on Nixon's resignation.
Don't people ever learn? Now here's a face that challenges the strongest stomach.
Non-descript to extremes, he couldn't even manage to get assassinated properly.
But then, would anyone have noticed? Probably the most innocuous member of the
Republican Party to ever be seen on television.

Ronald Reagan

The cowboy would-be actor who could only get on television by becoming President.
Used to be a Democrat, but turned to the Republican Party to further his acting career.
Covering up his alzheimers became a full time job for presidential staff. The winning smile
pulls some of his sagging facial skin into a hideous grimace, but he hasn't changed
much from his young actor days (apart from being DEAD of course!)

George Bush Sr.

Getting even worse. The man who brought you Gulf War 1 and set up
a family legacy. Comparison to Bush
made Ronnie look almost good in the looks department. The Republican Party couldn't keep
him in office though, he drove many apathetic voters to vote Democrat just to get rid of him.
Notice the Texas whine...

Dan Quayle

The Republican Party attempt to imitate John Kennedy by getting the same haircut,
shame about the face. Kennedy was of course a Democrat with a Harvard background.
This Republican Party reject is best known for being unable to spell 'potato', despite being
from the state of Indiana where they have farms. Indiana is best known for other
famous sons such as Jim Jones and Jeff Dahmer.

George W. Bush Jr.

Daddy's little boy in every way, especially the face. Notice the Texas whine...
The Republican party chose a good puppet with this one. No mind of his own,
just a redneck gung-ho attitude that says to go out and beat up some sand niggers.
Yes, this is mindlessness at its best. And butt-ugly if anyone ever was.
Makes the Butt-Ugly Republican Party proud.