Scene One

As the scene fades in we see Disturbed Wrestling Federation Superstar/Diva Trish Stratus walking out from behind the curtain.

We then see Trish Stratus starting to make her way to the ring as the thousands of fans in attendace here in The Bailtmore Arena are booing her.

We then see that Trish Stratus has made her way to the ring but she is not alone. There is this unknown male with her. But as Trish Stratus steps into the ring we see her making her way around the ring and it appears that she is laughing at the fans that are booking her here in Baltimore Maryland.

We then see Trish Stratus grab the microphone from the ring announcer and as she does so we then see her lift the microphone to her mouth and begin to speak.

Now I know that you are so glad to see me Trish Stratus the Three Time Internet Babe Of The Year. I mean who would not be glad to see me I mean after all I am Trish Stratus. Now I know you all are most likely all wondering who this man here is standing behind me well you see this is "My Problem Solver" he was a present for me from Raven for when either himself or The Dudleys are not around so that no one will not harm a hair on this gorgeous head. But I am out here to speak about my match that will happen on Raw.

Now as you all know I am in a Fatal Four Way Match tonight where I will be facing Gail Kim,Victoria,and of course that she male Tori. Well now it seems that the only two of those that actually wants to come out and speak on our match is Victoria and Tori. So that make my decision kind of easy on whom I will speak on first the one that hasn't spoken a word and that person is Gail Kim. Gail you know there is no way you could possibly compete with me I mean we all know that you are truly pathetic. I mean don't you remember when we were both in the WWE the numerous times I kicked your ass Gail Kim. Well Gail tonight is going to be no different I mean after all I am Trish Stratus and no one and I do mean no one can compare to me especially a no talent little skank such as yourself. In other words I will be the Number One Contender when all is said and done for the simple fact that no diva in the Disturbed Wrestling Federation can't compare to the great Trish Stratus.

Now let me move on to the she male in this match Tori all I have to say to you Tori is I don't know how in the hell you got into this match but if you have any brains in that rather large head of yours well to be quite honest you just will not show up tonight for this match I mean no one is going to beat me no one. Like I said before I will be Number One Contender.

Now let me speak a moment on Victoria yes you all already know we have a history from when we were in the WWE and even from before that so I will not get into that however I will say this.....Victoria you and I both know that you can not even compare to me you never could and that kills you. I have always beaten you in everything we have ever done and well to be quiet honest tonight will be no different you see Victoria we all can't be Perfection we can't all be Trish Stratus and come tonight I will be walking out of Raw The Number One Contender to the Disturbed Wrestling Federation Women's World Championship Title and wheather it be Lita or Stephanie McMahon that I have to face at WrestleMaina doesnt matter because you see you are all looking at the next Disturbed Wrestling Federation Women's World Champion but you know what do you expect I am after all Trish Stratus and I always get what I want when I want it.

Just then we see Trish throw down the microphone in the middle of the ring as the scene fades out.

RolePlay Info

  • People Used: Batista

  • People Mentioned:Read to Fomd pit

  • Achivments:3 time DWF Champion

  • Record:2-0-0

  • Current Match:Batista vs Sean
  • Special Stipulation: World Title Match

  • RolePlay Number:1

  • Layout Credit:Demented Visions

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