Life unanswered questions?: Click to View or Add Text.

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap!

Help mid life crisis! My site is becoming boring! Suggestions! PLZ!!!! Dont be shy just friggin tell me!!! Ill do anything! Photos, Jokes, and even other peeps page links!! yep thats right peeps ill put ur site links and give u some of my guest pretty cool. Huh!?! Thats wat im talking about this site is by the teens for the teens of my area and i realy want yall to have fun and learn the latest stuff!Dont believe me click down there @ shout outs!
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Hey Im Summer And Im Runnin This Page My Dog Is So Cute Isn't He? My Dog’s Name Is Kitty? I'm 14,love Blink 182. My BFF is Caroline and Tarra but i will always love Caroline and Tarra as much as i love my dog wich says alot b/c i would marry my dog. I’m 5’ 2’’ blonde hair hazel eyes. Sure if you r reading this you prolly already know that though!Does this sound logical? My team teachers are getting mad that we are not turning in our homework so now they have decided to give us even more homework! How in the world is that supposed to help??? So Bleep them.

Today’s advice for the mall: When the sign says "handle at ur own risk" DON"T TOUCH IT!

Sup! here’s what I have to say….u don’t have to read it but if ur here its prolly about you!

hears a little game u have to figure out how to read wat written below..havefun or get pissed off once u cant figure out how to read it. I promise u can though!

Don’t go to the mall after 8pm the site ( something like that) says that they close at 9pm

Boycott the Mc Donald’s that was a Burgerking in Sugarland they charge too much (69 cents) for their icecream and its only vanilla wile you can got to the new territory Mc Donald’s and get chocolate, vanilla, and swirl for 10 cents cheaper (59 cents)

Burt’s Beeswax ($2.50) Yum Yum! And minty too!

lets do what they do on the discovery channel…What poop on the ground?

I suck at chess very much!

my room is very messy but I will clean it out under the force of the queen/mother and her riffle! She is such a ________ (fill in the blank)

I missed a spot on my chest and back w/ sunscreen and I burned funny blotches hehe! If you come up behind me and slap me on my back I cannot guarantee your safety on this planet! I'm actually tan enough that you can tell my blonde arm hair from my skin!

Roller Coaster Favorite Ride! Lemme Kiss You one last time! I didn’t c any ppl I was supposed to see in six flags…Jasandra…Katie….Kyle….anyone else there in San Antonio on Sunday! Tell me and tick me off!

Were do you get the buttons That say, “Kick Saddam’s Ass!” lil peaceful blonde is prowar hard to believe huh?

Kyle came up with Ay Evol hehe! All him im just spreadin it!

FloPPyY2K: Drugs aren't good

4rm Tarra and Cloe ok and me 2 ~ Chase……What Life?

. I want to shout out to all my friends in SMS (which by the way is stupid meaning too nice)that i don’t talk to anymore.

R.I.P. Tommy Girl ( Caroline’s Dog) We wont forget you!

R.I.P. Maggie (Kristin’s Cat)We wont forget you!

R.I.P. No Name (My beta ) We wont forget you! Even though we flushed you 4 weeks after you died!

R.I.P. Sunny and Annie (Jocelyn & Julliana’s Birds) We wont forget you!

this is Jasandra and her friends on her trampoline. Who ever gave them that camera must have been drunk seeing a picture that I cant put on my site because it might scare little children.

email me request and i will put them on the site this is an example of one (Jasandras pic. {None scary please}) hehe only i will prolly put the whole meaning if u want just tell me ill even do it in ur fav. color okie bye!!!

Go ahead and mess w/ my Guest book its funny 2 read ur weird or just plain stupid entries!!!

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Keep schroll'n theres more fun

click to get more salutions

Make ur selection based on what u just saw!

Cows r cute!

Cows r sweet!

But best of all,

they’re good to eat!


source? > Summer Ellington see my poetry book!

pass on gossip along with the coolest site on angelfire

get this gear!

Something to Think about..............(start reading already)

Strangers stab you in the front,

Boyfriends stab you in the heart,

Friends stab you in the back.

Thank God, best friends don’t carry knives.


source? > unknown

Homers Top Things That Make Life Great

13. My Extremely Large Brain and crayon!

12. Fashion!

11. Really Oblivious ppl!

10. Pointless Danger!

9. Family!

8. My Mom and Hippie Background!

7. Porn and Sex!

6. Marge!

5. Bowling!

4. Meat!

3. TV!

2. Donuts!

1. Beer!

Going Foreign? See a cute guy and he says _______ you better say _________ >
  • English.......... I Love You
  • Spanish.......... Te Amo
  • French........... Je T'aime
  • German........... Ich Liebe Dich
  • Japanese......... Ai Shite Imasu
  • Italian.......... Ti Amo
  • Chinese.......... Wo Ai Ni
  • Swedish.......... Jag Alskar Dig
  • Eskimo........... Nagligivaget
  • Greek............ S'Agapo
  • Hawaiian......... Aloha Wau la Oe
  • Irish............ Thaim In Grabh Leat
  • Russian.......... Ya Lyublyu Tyebya
  • Albanian......... Une Te Dua
  • Finnish.......... Mina Rakkastan Sinua
  • Turkish.......... Seni Seviyorum
  • Hungarian........ Se Ret Lay
  • Persian.......... Du Stet Daram
  • Maltese.......... Jien Inhobbok
  • Catalan.......... Testimo Molt
  • Me and Kyle.......... Ay Evol
  • Redneck ......... Nice Boobs

Every one's nervous on thier first date even Blink 182!

In the car I just can't wait

To pick you up on our very first date

Is it cool if I hold your hand?

Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?

Do you like my stupid hair?

Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?

I'm just scared of what you think

You make me nervous so I really can't eat

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