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Back Story

There was a point where the story got all confusing and NOBODY knew what was going on. What appears below is the quick explanation one of our members gave to explain what was happening. This is just a temporary file until we get the story up and running again. If you want to get an idea of what kind of nuts we are, this is the place to be.


Note: Any reference to "posts" is because this was taken directly from the club.

*Alexander, the human half of X'ander, ushers all of the characters into the room.*

Ok, Callyndra, here's the run-down on these folks.

*He ushers over Maja and Cass.*

Maja is a bounty hunter. Read back just a couple of posts and you'll see where she came from. She built Cass, who is a huge artificial intelligence robot. He has built in weapons and On-Star. He also has a psychic link to his creator. Maja's ship was on the planet of Spindilla when she met some other characters who have disappeared.

*He pulls X'ander over.*

X'ander here was a cop on that planet. Maja was parked illegally (really!), so he boarded their craft. While he was on board, the ship was attacked, and X'ander, Lucky, and Cass were transported to another dimension. It turns out that Maja has some transportation skills in addition to being able to morph into a Chibi. (I'll let someone else explain what a Chibi is.)

*Alexander grabs Lucky.*

When Maja shifted dimensions, we met Lucky. Lucky is... Um... Well, she's Lucky. We met her in a bar. For a while when X'ander was thought to be dead (don't worry, it's not important anymore), Lucky joined Maja being a bounty hunter. Then we learned Lucky has Jedi powers, but she's never had any training, so she's not very good at it.

*Points to Maja, Lucky, Cass, and X'ander.*

After some VERY stupid scenes involving an underground sect of Jedi masters, this group took off into space trying to reach the planet we're currently on. When they were close to the planet, this space pirate rammed our ship and boarded it.

*Alexander drags Bob over.*

Bob is the pirate. Both ships were nearly destroyed in the landing. That's about where you came in, Callyndra.

To fill you in on what's happened recently, Callyndra was able to get to this planet by riding through a portal (Very cool idea, by the way. I have to give you props for that one.) that is part of a "nexus." Apparently, there is something wrong with the nexus here, and I think what will happen next is our group will try to figure out what is wrong. Oh, and X'ander and Maja are supposed to mate to continue her species.

*Maja smiles at X'ander while he blushes and sweats.*

I hope that helps just a little bit.

I hope.

A little.


Let me know.