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My Life Destiny

it's me ^6^ my mum and me

I am a Chinese girl, which is just like other normal girls. I have a happy family, and many different kinds of friends. Last summer, I went Canada, and studied in Columbia International College. It has changed all my life. In China, I have entered to the Xing hai Musical College. I have ever thought that I would be a piano teacher when I graduated, but right now I am in Canada, I need to change all of that things. During I came to Canada, I did not practice piano any more. Maybe I need to change my thought. And I would make some idea to decide which course fits for me. Finally I choose business, but I found many people studied it. Sometimes I still want to continue my music study. Unfortunately there are no conditions for me to practice piano. This year, I may graduate in summer. I hope I can enter York University. In Canada, sometimes I felt lonely and confusing, coz no friends and no family here. I would get back China, when I finish my study here.