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My Life Journal - Winter 2002

Last semester, I have studied Calculus and Finite. This two Maths made me crazy, but luckly I can handle all of them. Though I do not know some points clearly, I can do a good job. Many people said Finite was much more difficult than Calculus, but I do not think so. I found Finite was more acceptable , I do not know why, I did not learn Finite in China, but I have learnt few Calculus, so learning Calculus was not my new study. When I learnt Calculus, I always used my Chinese thinking to solve the problem, it is not good for me to do it, but there is no way to change, I just can use Chinese way to do it. However , Finite is my new study, I never touched it before, but I could learn it easier, I could use English thinking to do Finite problem. This semester, I have changed my roommate, she was Chinese, her hometown is the same as mine, so we are very good friends. She is called Crystal.This semester, it is going to finish,I am not very good at Kinesiology,maybe the mark is not very good. And i hope my computer's mark will be higher, because all university will check my this final mark. However, I learn a lot in this semester. Thanks to all teachers care about me, and teach me a lot. Next week, final exams are comming, i will try my best to do all of them well...... To Be Continue...

Crystal and Winter