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Ok, so this is my little piece of the web to tell all something about me. I was born into a very normal american family on Sept 26th of 1981. Do the math to figure out my age. My parents were always so supportive of my sister and I of whatever it is we chose to do. My sister being 7 years older then myself always had it good in my opinion. It didnt matter what she did to me or how she did it, I was always the one blamed for everything that happend when the bad stuff was in question. This eventually led to the demise of my parents relationship. They would fight about me getting into trouble all the time. Like I was a bad kid or something. Even though I had stuck up for my sister so many times to keep her from getting into trouble. So, in my early teens, I started to resent the fact my sister was perfect in the eyes of my parents. Though I will admit, some was my fault because I had stuck up for her so many times. I pushed my family away. I wanted to become something more then the problem child of the family, the black sheep. I wanted to be noticed for something I did, Good or bad. Not something my sister had blamed on me. Seriously, if I were going to get into trouble I wanted to do it on my own terms. So, I quit high school, turned to drugs. I had a boyfriend, that was abusive towards me. One night he was drunk and I was getting tired of his attitude towards me I tryed to call it quits. He wanted to come over and "talk". I told him no. He came over anyways. I knew he was angry because of the way he beat on my door trying to get me to let him in. I still refused, I was so scared more so then I had ever been before. I picked up the phone sat it on the couch, let him in and he started to hit me. I was screaming all the while I had the police on the phone that he didnt know about. They got to my house, I was bloody, and shaken. But, as far as that I was ok. I pressed charges on Jessie. He got 10-15 years in the Texas pen. And I was going threw depression. I had just learned I had a concusion. Because I was still not the same, I turned to the computer. I had chatted before, but I surely was not addicted to it. I spent the next few months online. Living a life I wished I had. I've meet some great people here. And Ive meet some tards too.

So here comes the next part of my life. I had known Kevin for years, he was my best friends brother. And for some weird reason, I had never looked at him as a boyfriend of sorts. He was wonderful, in all ways. He was sweet, and funny, and beautiful inside and out. we dated for 3 years, and moved in together when i tured 18. Wrong move! We had a cute little loft apartment that I tryed so hard to make a home. And then one day something snapped. We faught and he asked me to leave. He kept the apartment for a year, and then moved home with his parents. He was kelping his parents out since his dad had a heartattack. I had moved in with my dad too. One night, 3 months later after the fight. He came over, cryed to me, told me how much in love with me he was. Well we all know how that goes. So I told him ok we could start dating again. We did. In nov. of 2000 my dad bought a 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath house for me to live in while he drove back and forth from Houston to Corpus Christi. He owned 2 business. In March of 2001 my dad moved down to C.C. permately leaving me the house. Since Kevin and I had been doing so well, and he had been staying over so much. I asked him if he would just move in and help me with bills. I decided the house was too much for me. I sold it, and we moved into an apartment again. Then in April of 2002 Kevin came home and told me he didnt love me anymore. I was so angry with myself, for letting him get to me once again. I cryed and I begged him to let me stay untill I could find another place to live. He called my mom and asked her to let me move back in. So thats what I did. Moved back with her. The one person that I had so much remorse and hate toward was letting me move back with her. I stayed here untill June, and then Kevin and I worked things out. I moved back with him. And his sister, and her kids, and her husband, whom I hated! But I was with Kevin, so I didnt care. Id clean before he would come home because I knew he didnt like coming home to a dirty house. Id take care of his neice and nephew while his sister worked. And then it started again. He and I fought because something wasnt clean. I got tired of cleaning after 4 adults and 2 children. And when his sister was around, Id clean up something and shed come right behind me and do the same. I was never seen cleaning, so automatically I didnt. We faught. I moved out again in march of 2003.

And so here I am. Writing this paragraph of my life. Im not looking for simpathy nor am I looking for pity. I just wanted to let you all know where I stand. And why I stay and do some of the stuff I do. Ive had hardships in my young life. But I think thats what makes us grow as a person. Into our skins if you will.