Valley of Clowns by Don Bernal
I crept from the edge
Hanging my face like a forgotten sock
I peered from the cliff
I saw the valley of clowns dance
The popcorn vendors feeding the mass
With sweet and salty goodness
Dripping from their mouths
The rush in the blood
Makes them ache even more
One more for the road
One more to make the drug hold
Here comes the clowns
I see them open wide
See their tricks
Make them laugh
Make them watch
Make them stop, and make them give
Feeding their minds
Spoonful by spoonful
This is what they say
Watch the mass eat, and smile
And on comes the big show
Here comes the spotlight
Watch them gawk, watch them absorb
They are turning into clowns themselves
White faces, eerie laughs, they never die
They hide because they don't want to tell you what  they're laughing at
I ducked behind the cliff, and forgot them.

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