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When I found you

Chapter Seven

Part 1

Author's NOTE: This chapter is filled with flashbacks and there isn't a whole lot of talking but it helps you get an idea of what has happened int he past with JC and Sara. Hope y'all like it.

"Sara please, I hate to see you hurt" He told her.

"If you did then you wouldn't be asking me to do this" She told him. She shook her head once again. "No JC I can't give up this, this is my passion, I mean how can you even think that I would give it all up just like that?" She asked him. "I mean would you give up your music if I asked you to?" She asked him softly.

"This is different Sara and you know it, singing doesn't put my life in jeopardize" He told her.

"In some cases it might, do you know how many endless nights I've been up worrying if you were okay, worrying that some crazed fan might do something" She told him. He sighed. This wasn't going the way he planned it to.

"Sara please, I understand that this is your passion but I am asking you to do it for your safety" He told her but she still shook her head. "Please I am putting everything on the line here sweetie, I am putting our friendship on the line in this case because I don't think I can deal with the fact that you are out there somewhere in a car and you might get in another accident, because I worry about you so much Sara you have no idea, I love you and I want you to be......

"Whoa.....back the train up!" Shorty said loudly in her room laying down on the bed that same night. "He loves me?" She asked now remembering exactly what he had said. I...oh....shit! she thought. He loved her, he really loved her, he even said it and she walked away from him.

He loved her.

Shorty got out of bed. She walked down the stairs grabbing her car keys off the coffee table and was out the door in a second. Wearing a pare of red pj's and a white tang top she got in the car starting the engine.


JC looked up at the white ceiling of his room. He had been laying there for what seemed like ages. He had alot on his mind. Like a certain blonde with sparling blue eyes. He loved her, he did and she couldn't see it. She pushed him away like yesterdays trash tonight. How did it come to be this bad? How did it come to the point where they both coudn't even be in the same car? They both ignored each other, barely said two words to each tonight at the club. It was slowly getting to him. How could he be so stupid, it was all his fault. If he hadn't pushed her away the way he did, if he just kept his mouth shut instead of making her choose Shorty and him would be in a way different situtaion. At least they would talk to each other.

Shorty opened her eyes again and her eyes widened when she saw JC's beautiful face leaning close to hers. But he had a girlfriend he couldn't do this, he couldn't kiss her, it wasn't right. And as much as she knew it was wrong she still wanted to feel his soft touch and his soft lips on hers once again. She needed him, she still loved him and it was driving her insane that she couldn't confess her feelings to him right then. She looked deeply into his eyes as his lips brushed hers. JC closed his eyes slowly and opened her lips with his tongue kissing her deeply and passionatelly.

Shorty's senses were on overdrive as she kept kissing him. The feeling so real and the comfort unbelievable. Her hand was rested on the back of his head while the other one was still in his bigger one being held.

His soft lips kept moving to a soft rhythm with hers. JC was amazed at how he felt right then. He didn't know that just one kiss like this one can bring so many memories and feelings he's been trying to hide forever. He pulled away slowly not wanting it to end, but he needed to breath and so did Sara.

He opened his eyes and looked at her smiling slightly. He knew that she felt the same way for him. He saw her sit up straight and look at him in the eyes. Her small hand still into his bigger one. She reached with the other one and cupped his cheek with it. She pulled him slowly towards her before capturing him in another passionate kiss.

Jc's eyes shot open at the memory. So many memories of her were in his mind. That kiss, that day, it was everything. That kiss he can still remember it, clear as day, it was so passionate and meaningful, unbelievable almost. He remembers their every kiss, he still remembers the first time they kissed.

"So where are the other guys?" Sara asked him sitting up on the kitchen counter. JC turned around looking at her and shrugged.

"They went clubbin'" He told her smiling. Sara smiled back and hopped off the counter walking over to the fridge.

"So what can we have for dinner?" She asked him opening the refrigirator door and looking around. She finally decided to chocolate cake and a can of coke. She pulled out the cake and the soda and took a seat on a high chair at the counter. JC looked at her crazy.

"You're gonna eat cake for dinner?" He asked her and she nodded taking a fork out of one of the drawers and taking a big bite of the chocolate cake.

"Yep, you want some?" She asked him extending her hand holding the fork with a piece of cake. JC shook his head and stepped back.

"No thatnks" He said.

"Of course you do" She told him and smiled. She got up and put into his mouth forcefully. JC finally gave in and took the fork in his mouth chewing slowly on the food. Shorty pulled the fork out and locked eyes with him. His piercing blue eyes saw through her. She had the most beautiful soul in the world. She was beautiful and nice and just about everything he wanted in a girl. JC's face neared hers as Shorty leaned in slowly and cautiously. HIs lips were only milimeters apart as both can feel the others warm breath. JC's eyes never converted from Sara's gorgeous one until the phone rang and they both pulled back abruptly. JC's heart was still beating faster than ever when he reached over for the phone and answered it. "Hello?" He said. "Hey baby..." He said to his current girlfriend Tania. He was still trying to convince himself that Sara didn't make him feel that way and that she didn't make him go weak in the knees by just looking at him with her beautiful blue eyes. "Oh I'm just hangin' out with Sara" He said into the phone.

Shorty smiled hearing him call her Sara. No one ever did that anymore and she loved the feeling of it. She too was trying to calm her breathing down. JC had made her feel alive for one split second which was interrupted by his controlling girlfriend. Tania was never a nice one in Shorty's eyes. But what can you do? She shrugged and went back to eating cake.

", she's only a friend.." She heard JC say. She sighed quietly looking anywhere but him. " we are just going to watch will call you later.....ok.....I love you too" He said and put the phone down on its receiver. He looked over at Shorty and smiled lightly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Shorty asked taking her last bite of the piece of cake she had cut out for herself. JC looked at her totally not paying attention as to what she was saying. He focused on her beautiful full red lips, her blonde silky hair, her tanned soft skin and most of all her mezmirizing blue eyes. "JC?" Shorty asked him trying to get his attention. JC was starring so hard at her she thought he was going to burn a whole through her. Finally after calling his name about four more times JC snpped out of it his tanned face turning slightly red.

" were you saying?" He asked a bit confused. Shorty chuckled and got up going over to where he was.

"I said what movie are we going to watch?"

" about........Dumb and Dumber?" He asked her. Shorty made a face, seen it way too many times.

"Serendipity is good, good choice JC" She said cheerfully and putting the movie in the DVD player. JC rolled his eyes.

"Sure....chick flick....the next best thing" He said and took a seat on the couch. Shorty took the other couch and pressed play starting the movie.

After about two hours of just watching a movie and goofing around Shorty went into the kitchen. JC walked in after her. "You're eating again?" He asked the small girl.

"Hey I'm a growing girl, can't help it" She told him and he chuckled. Shorty got the phone and dialed the nearest pizza place. She ordered a large pepperoni pizza and hung up smiling. She hopped up on the counter and looked at JC who was watching her. She smiled.

"I can't help but notice the way you're sitting on that counter" JC told her. Shorty looked at her self and blushed. She was sitting on the top of the counter with her legs slightly spread.

"Mr. Chasez..." She started pretending to be shocked. JC chuckled and went over to her rubbing her thighs slowly. "I never knew you had it in you to flirt" She said jokingly. JC smiled.

"Ahh....don't get used to it" He said and pulled back before he did something he could regret later. Shorty nodded.

"Oh it's not like you're good at it" She said and poked him in the chest. JC looked at her his eye brows raised.

"I am too, I just don't flirt as much as Joey and Justin do" He told her. Shorty chuckled.

"Very true" She told him and he nodded. "But what I mean not being good at it is that when you do it you need to affect that person in some way, you know what I mean?" She asked him babbling on and on not even knowing what the hell she was talking about. JC smiled and then shrugged. He looked around the room. He didn't want to look at her all that much. She looked good that night and he didn't think he had enough strength to keep his hands off of her.

The door bell rang as they stood in the kitchen filled with silence. They both jumped racing for the door both equally hungry. JC pulled Sara back as she outstretched her foot infront of him. JC tripped over Sara's foot and went stumbling down but not before he grabbed her with him. Sara landed on top of the sexy man underneath her. She looked at him laughing but when she saw his serious face she stopped laughing.

Their eyes locked once again as they were brought under a spell where neither of them could pull away knowing that if they did the beautiful feeling would be no longer there. JC brushed a strand of fallen hair from Sara's face as her face neared his once again that day. Their breaths were caught in their throat when they were so close to touching each other's lips. Sara caressed his cheek softly still looking into his eyes.

She neared her face to his closing her eyes and leaning forward when the door bell rang again. Sara's eyes still closed flew open at the interruption. She sighed heavily cursing under her breath. This was not happening again. She got off JC and opened the door glraing at the person there and her eyes got wide. There stood none other than Chasez's girlfriend herself. Both JC and Shorty knew why she was there. She was there because she didn't want her boyfriend to be alone with another girl. Shorty mummbled something under her breath when Tania made her way inside and kissed JC. "Baby what are you doing here?" JC asked as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh well I needed to see my baby, how are you honey?"She said diverting him to the living room leaving Sara all by herself. She went into the kitchen and JC came inside about fifteen minutes later.

"Where's miss protective?" She asked. JC smiled.

"She got beeped so she had to go" He told her. Tania worked in the advertisement business so she constantly got beeped. JC walked over to Sara and took her hand in his. She looked at him shocked. "Something I need to finish or I'll regret it" He told her bringing his lips to hers softly. Sara accepted his soft lips and kissed him with passion.

It's over and done

but the heartache lives on inside

And who's the one you're clinging to

instead of me tonight?

Sara drove down the street tears rolling down her pretty face. She was so confused, more so then ever in her entire life. She didn't know what to do. She loves him, she can't live without him, he's the air she breathes, he's in her mind twenty - four seven, he was her everything and she had pushed him away. She turned left at a green light and continued to her destination. She didn't even know why she was going there, what would she say, what would she do? What would he say?

What if he already found someone else. What if he doesn't even want to listen to what she has to say. What does she have to say? Sara was crying so hard her vision was a blurr. She stopped in the drive way sobbing. She buried her face in her hands trying to calm down, but the fact that he was away and not in her life made her feel worse about everything she has ever done to him. Made her feel bad because she had hurt him so many times.

Sara looked in the mirror, face red and eyes puffy. She doesn't remember ever crying this hard. She doesn't remember breaking down at all. But right now, it was just at the point of no return, she was here and she had to go through with it. She needed to talk to him, she needed to say what needed to be said and most importantly she needed him.

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

JC and Sara walked down the beach holding hands making small talk. Sara was thinking how lucky she was to have JC in her life. He was so sweet and carring, she didn't know what she did to deserve such a great guy like him.

They stopped as JC slowly sat on the soft sand and Sara followed him by sitting next to him. She could sence something was wrong and she very concerned. JC hadn't said much tonight but she just thought that he was tired. "What wrong JC?" she asked him as she rubbed his back in a circular motion slowly.

JC looked at the girl he had been together for about eight months now and smiled weakly. He didn't know how to tell her. "Nothing is wrong sweetie, everything is perfect" He said as he slowly brought his lips to hers but she pulled away. He looked at her confused.

"What's going on JC?" She asked him seriousness written all over her face. He looked at her and sighed.

"Look Sara I gotta be honest with you...I've been seeing someone else for the past month" He told her honestly. He could see the hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I just don't think we were good for each other that's all" He said calmly.

"You bastard" she said as she glared at him trying to fight back the tears. "You fucking bastard!" she yelled and got up running away from him. JC stood there tears flowing down his face. Why did he have to lie to her.

It's not 'cuz he cheated on her it's because he was scared of being in such a strong relationship. Sara and him had known each other for a long time and were getting pretty serious in their relationship. And because of his past experiences with girls he didn't want to make a commitment and get hurt again.

In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion that's taken me over

Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don't come back

Come home to me, darling

Dont you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight

Dont cha know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

"I just can't believe she would something like that to me!" JC exclaimed sorrow written all over his face. Shorty looked at him rubbing his back slowly with a rythm.

"Don't worry JC it will be ok, I'm here for you, we all are" She told him trying to comfort the young popstar. JC shook his head.

"Two years, two friggin' years and she cheats on me..." He said tears streaming down his face. Shorty pulled him in her arms holding him tight. "I just lived her so much, I really did Sara, I loved her, I would've never done anything to hurt her, never" He said. "Except for that one time when I kissed you but that was all a mistake, it was just in the spur of the moment" Silence filled the room as he cried in Shorty's arms. Tania had cheated on him and he was so heartbroken. Shorty was there for him, in way though she was glad they aren't together anymore, because she controlled him and manipulated him in every way possible.

I'm there at your side,

I'm part of all the things you are,/p>

But you've got a part of someone else

You've got to find your shining star

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion that's taken me over

Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don't come back

Come home to me, darling

Dont you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight

Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

Sara wiped the tears off her face roughly and got out of her car shutting the door still trying to get the courage to actually go and ring the doorbell.


JC wiped a single tear from his cheeks and got off the bed. It was just not worth it anymore. Why did she have to push him away tonight. He had appologized to her and he wanted her back, back in his arms where she felt safe. He wanted that all over again and she was making it very hard for him.

He slowly walked down the stairs wiping his eyes as new tears came and went. He turned the living room lights on and went into the living room. Something caught his eye outside and he turned the porch lights on. He opened the door slowly to see a small figure sitting on his steps crying. He looked a little closer and finally recognized the person as being Sara.

"Sara?" He asked. Sara turned around and looked at him through tear filled eyes. JC's heart felt to the pit of his stomack as he saw the torn girl. He kneeled down and sat beside her. He looked at her as she moved away from him so they weren't as close. "What are you doing here?" He asked her softly. Sara didn't even look at him. Her eyes were fixed on one point. It was like she crazy. Her hair was messy and she was in her PJ's. She didn't say a word, she was so confused about everything, she didn't even know why she was there. She quickly got up and turned around looking at him.

"I..." She started looking at him a little confused. So much crying and so much memories tonight fogged her brain. She couldn't even think straight around him. That's how much he affected her and it was drving her insane. "I don't know why I'm here JC" She said tears falling freely down her cheeks. Her face was by now numb and she could no longer feel the tears coming down. " heart...and...."She started but she couldn't make sense of things. She had really come to see him and tell him that she loves him too but could she do that now.

She looked closely at him seeing his tear stained face. That broke her heart even more. A guy as sweet as him to be crying and heartbreaking because she chose a stupid race carreer than a guy who could give her so much more. "You love me" she finally said it. JC looked at her confused. "i mean I love me" she said. "No I mean I love you" she said finally getting her message across.

JC's face held surprise as he looked deeply into her eyes. He got up slowly and walked over to her. "You love me?" He asked her. Sara started breathing heavily. Did she have to go through with it again nd say it? She knew he didn't feel the same way anymore, why should he, she only pushed him away a million times.

"I...I....don't know" She said looking at him. What was she talking about? It really was confusing for her.

"You don't know if you love me?" JC asked his face falling with disappointment. Sara looked at him her eyes widening.

" do, I do, I just.....oh I am so confused....I need to sit down" She said sitting back down on the steps. JC turned around and looked at her.

"So you love me?" He asked his hopes up once again. Sara nodded. She looked at him. She took breaths calming down and finally being able to look at him.

"yeah I love you JC" She said getting up and taking his hands into hers. She looked him straight in the eyes. JC smiled slightly.

"I love you too" He told her and kissed her passionatelly. He wrapped his arms around her thin waist and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "I love you Sara Daniels" He said to her.

Chapter Seven - Part 2