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Sad, Bitter Revenge - powered by the very air you breathe!


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The following are links to other sites run by my fellow goofs. The b&w one with my cheerful mug on it will take you further into this site.

Full Frontal Lunacy - My community site to be used in unison with this 'un. Join and become even more of a net-zombie!

OBEY THE FIST! - Goof-troopin' webslinger Eric resides here. I guess some might consider this place to be a sort of in vitro sister-site (sickos, that is...)

OBEY THE FIST! (yes, you must do it again) - Eric's non-community site filled with totally sane, tepid observations (and more Zim shit than you can shake a fist at!).

Evil Bill - The KING of Tampa, Bill is the leader of the southern tentacle of the KRANG. Check this shit out. There never was a city kid truer and bluer.

Or you could actually go into my site beyond this intro.... the HUB!!! Enter if you dare, the TRUE meat of this site. The home base/ fallout bunker!!


Thanks for nothing. Feel free to check back as often as you desire as I have updated the page with all the juicy details concerning the bloody struggle that resulted from my actions. The KRANG was indeed aware of my treachery and seemed to welcome it. I thought that the KRANG had to be eliminated for the good of humanity, but I was dead wrong. Come on in to learn about what transpired. I have even decided to post some info about me and my various dilemmas so YOU can feel as though you are a part of my sad, pathetic quasi-wars. I also bitch about movies and such. What a surprise.

NOTICE: - Anyone new to the site should proceed immeadiately to the LEXICON, which explains the obscure terminology used everywhere on the site. Otherwise, sally forth to the HUB (if you please) and feel free to browse around the KRANG-related areas, the personal section, or the media-themed areas. Enjoy!

P.S./WARNING - this site WILL occassionaly contain some "naughty" language. I casually use four-letter words even in digital conversation and some of the more objectionable ones are bound to show up as well. So if you are prone to fits of maniacal rage or bouts of formication** upon hearing/reading the word "fuck", then leave NOW before you become corrupted and EVIL!!!

*No, should you be wondering, I do not draw myself in my spare time. This was an assignment I spent like 20 minutes on. I'm not particularly proud of it or anything - in fact all I see now when I look at it are the many, many flaws - I was just using photos of my other pals for the new link pics and decided to snap a shot of it since I hate photos of myself. Also, Eric made the EtHM pic used to link to his site, not me (just so you know).

**That's doctor-speak for "seeing nonexisting insects under your skin"; NOT a good thing, lads an' lassies.
