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Pagan Panel Discussion    
What Its All About
Every year we host a panel of local leaders who come in to answer questions from the general Rutgers community.  The purpose of the event is to help those who are confused about paganism and its many forms to understand the details of each tradition.  There is usually a general answer section to begin with where questions that were decided on at our weekly meetings are asked.  These are targeted as general introductory questions.  We then have a short intermission, followed by an open question session, where audience members are invited to join in.

The Details
This years Pagan Panel Discussion will be happening on March 13th, at 6pm in rm 410AB of the Rutgers Student Center.  There will be light refreshments served.  All Rutgers University students, staff, and faculty are invited to attend.

The Presenters
So far we have representatives from the following groups: Bluestar Wicca, ADF Druidry, Hands of Change Wicca, Omnimancy, and Asatru.

The Meeting
You can get involved in deciding some of the points discussed at the Pagan Panel Discussion.  Come to this week's meeting to have your say. 
(Thursday March 7 9pm, Scott 207)

The Questions
(Please note: These are in order according to importance to the club -- as voted on 3/7/02)

- Please give a brief summary of the important points of your tradition.
- What, in your opinion, is paganism?
- What differentiates your tradition from all the other pagan traditions?
- How does your tradition view magic?  Do you use magic?  Does it play an important role in your rituals        and/or daily life?
- Can you expel people from your tradition or choose not to allow them to join in the first place?  How is this decision made?
- What are your traditions views on death and the afterlife?
- What is the role of sex in your tradition?
- Is there a formal initiation?  Do you have formal training/education?
- Does you tradition affect your lifestyle -- i.e. what you eat, your politics, where you live, etc.?
- How does your tradition view deity?
- Are there specific gender roles in your tradition?
- What, if any, are the ethics of your tradition?  Does your tradition have a formal code of any kind?
- What are your traditions thoughts on good/evil?
- What form do your rituals take?
- Does your tradition have a clergy and/or a structured hierarchy?  What are members roles in it?
- Briefly describe the origin and history of your tradition.
- How much variability is there from group to group in your tradition?

---(This is as far as we think we'll get, but if there's more time, we'll continue on to the next questions)

- How actively do you recruit new members?
- How close-knit is your community?
- What holidays or holy days does your tradition celebrate?
- What does your tradition expect from someone?
- To what degree to you hold open/closed rituals?
- How does your tradition view the role of children?  At what age are children allowed to participate in ritual?
- How does your tradition feel about charms and other physical magical items?
- How does your tradition make formal decisions? 
- Are there any written texts which your tradition uses?
- What's your traditions view on the symbolic elements?
- What do people expect to learn from  your tradition?
- Does your tradition have an expectation that its members will be socially active?  If so, what  causes are important? If not, why not?
- What kinds of iconography does your tradition use?
- How does your tradition make its presence known in the community?
- Does your tradition have an overall leader or spokesperson?
- How large is your community?
- Does your tradition place any importance on environmental matters?
- Is anyone in your tradtion paid or community supported?
- Does your tradition have official standing with the government?


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