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aw, you WISH you were inside my head!
giganto profile

Anyone who's ever used AOL's Instant Messenger program for any length of time knows the Profile well. It's where we college students with too much time store favorite quotes, updates on our current mental states, mini-rants & bitch sessions, etc. I decided to just stick up here what's been in my profile recently, just as a barometer, I guess, of where I've been.

Runs top-to-bottom, recent to less-recent.

It's always so much easier to solve other people's problems.

I'm goin' sailing
in a wooden shoe
lookin' for a star
I can tell my troubles to
- mary lou lord

...The angels fall like rain, and your love is all of heaven away...

...I'm in the mood for you, for running away...
- counting crows

Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We women have a more subtle instinct about things. What we like is to be a man's last romance.
- Oscar Wilde

"you?" "me." "you?" "Mimi!"
- the clunkiest line in all of Rent

you just can't talk to 'em, you just can't reason
you just can't leave & you just can't please 'em
I was locked
into being my mother's daughter
i was just eating bread & water
thinking nothing ever changes...
you drive, you just gotta drive,
you just gotta drive
out of range.
- ani

i try to draw the line
but it ends up running down the middle of me
most of the time.
- ani

whatever else it comes to
i know we could be so happy,
baby if we wanted to be
- jeff buckley

lonely? baby, i'm not lonely.
i've got my imaginary friends.
- old 97's

there's a road to where i came from
it gets longer all the time
- old 97's

ok, now. if two pence is tuppence, why isn't one pence "ouppence," you know, pronounced "wuppence"? I mean, besides being consistent, you gotta admit it's pretty damn fun.

there ain't no moral to this story.
- the refreshments
(especially if you're an "immoralist"! it's a word! i'm so happy! that's so cool! i mean, it's only fair. "moralists" have a word!)

i guess you can't really see the wind
it just comes in & fills the space
& every time something moves
you think that you have seen its face
- ani di franco

yeah, i breathe too much anyway.
i can do that any day.
-ani di franco


updated on may the 19, 2002