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Hello and welcome to HIGH SCHOOL HERPS.

We are waiting for eggs. As of 12/10/2003, we have none. We should have high yellows and albinos in April. Please check available list for prices and remember that all money goes to public education!

What you see here is a new project implemented in Chesterfield County in Virginia. An actual genetic breeding company was set up and stocked with leopard geckos, crested geckos and their various color and pattern morphs with the sole purpose to run it as a TRUE business. This is truly teaching across the curriculum. Biology and E-Marketing classes work together as two branches of the same business, High School Herps. Here's what the business is broken down into.

The Biology classes will:

The Marketing classes will:




PRICE LIST & PICTURES (see the eggs)


DATA FOR HIGH SCHOOL HERPS BY YEAR OF PROJECT Click on year to get full data!

This entire project is due to:

The Chesterfield Public Education Foundation, Inc., The MCD Awards for Initiative & Innovation in Educational Practices

To them Vincent Ferraiolo, Jane Ward and all the students/parents that benefited from this project TRULY say "Thank You"!