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In this section I will give my personal likings on "how to" and ideas on haunting. Show way's of creating halloween props and other effects, without spending much or anything at all. All my props and so forth are made from scratch sorta speak so detail will vary.


To avoid vandalism of you decorations you should not set them out until the day of halloween. I usually keep it basic up til halloween day, simple light up pumpkins and a few corn stalks. Reason why is you dont want to bring the "good" stuff out till halloween is.. you dont want the people in your niegborhood to know what you have instore for them, let them asume that all you are doing, keep all dummies and project ideas inside till halloween day and then it will come as a suprise to trick-or-treaters, as well as a scare, to those who seen your house before hand. Trust me, Its a great idea.

Halloween Dummy Props:

When making a dummy you probly want it to as realistic as possible. So in the following I will describe how I made mine, including the theme and materials used. First I made a structure of the position I wanted it to stand, which was its arms legs and the rest of its body parts. I use old crutches for it's legs and a few thick branches i gathered from my yard ( about 2-3 inches thick ) and used them for the arms and mid-body part. Each body part was measured of my own and then i knew what size to break the pieces into. After all the wood pieces were broken down into correct lenght I then connected them together using ducttape ( thats my own prefrence ) and positioned the body parts. When i had the "skeletol" part finished I then took old carpet and applied it around each part of the body, to give the body its definition. when finished with that part of the process I then took a paper bag and filled it wit other paper material, and then mounted it on the shoulders, and made sure it was sturdy. Now I had my complete body all I had to do now was add the overalls and a mask. For hands , I took a pair of gloves and stuff them as well and stapled them to the exposed part of the wooded arm. For feet, I took an old pair of boots, stuffed, and mounted them to the exposed part on the bottom of the crutches with, agian, stables. All I did from there was add the desired details. You do not have to use the same idea as I did, I just provided the information so that you can come up with your own. absolutly no money was spent (besides on the mask) to create this prop, which means and also proves anything can be used. Just use your imagination!. It worked well for me, and might have seemed like some hard work, but it all pays off when you see the look on the trick-or-treaters faces, trust me.
Click here to view an image of my made dummies.

Tips For Use Of Fog Machines

click here.

Corn Stalks
I usually always use corn stalks when decorating. Mainly used because you want the trick-or-treater to feel as if they left there niegborhood, and entered in some kind off spooky town. Corn stalks add a great effect. Mazes out of corn stalks is porably the best thing to do. I see it as the more corn stalks the better.
