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I made Basil from a piece of colored clip art (I found it here). He took me a long time to make. I had to shrink it down a lot, get rid of the log, change the colors...I had a helluva time trying to get the face down. But when I did, I was happy. I tink he's purdy. =)

Yeah, more Dermot Mulroney obsessing. I wanted to name three faeries that I had made that I gave Irish names to (Dermot, Fenian and Pogue). I already had the chest, and then I made the legs from a pair of wonderkin girl legs that I found. I think he's just the cutest thing. The second one is just an edit to see how he would look with a different skin tone.

I saw this base body at Veriria's and I knew that I had to make a faerie out of it. I had this head that I had edited to brunette, and the cute lil poppy flowers. So I just decided her name would be Poppy and drew her petal skirt.

I took a pair of wings off of the Palace and edited them, making them SO much better, and I had found the base body at E'Z Dolls and kept it around for later. Then I just saw a contest @ Katza's Dolls. So I just kept editing. I edited the head from one I found on the Palace. I think she's the prettiest thing that I've ever made, to date. (BTW, just for extra info, her name comes from a Scottish Fairy tale called "The Gold of Fairnilee")

I was thisclose to giving up on the idea of putting scales on her tail, but then I stumbled on just the right combo of colors. Pretty, huh? (Base by Trinity)