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Previous Polls

What kind of eggs do you like at Easter?
Dragon Eggs - 33%
Nyissan (snake) eggs - 66%

If the Leprachaun was bred from the Elves and Dwarves, how much gold do they deserve?
100 tons - 22%
10 tons - 11%
None - 11%
-5 tons (stolen) - 11%
Steal it all! - 11%
I'd die if I saw one! They're like orcs! - 11%
Other {At least they arn't Keeblers.} & {I LOVE LEGOLAS} - 22%

Ladies, who would you have as your Elenium Valentine?
Martel - 50%
Troll/Troll God - 50%

Lords, who would you have as your Eddings Valentine?
Mirtai - 50%
Other {none} - 50%

Ladies, who would you have as your LOTR Valentine?
Frodo Baggins - 29%
Legolas Greenleaf - 43%
Aragorn - 29%

Lords, who would you have as your LOTR Valentine?
Arwen - 100%

Who would you have as your Lost Years of Merlin Valentine?
Emrys Merlin - 20%
Arthur - 60%
Rhiannon - 20%