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   Very sorry, folks... I accidentally deleted the original version of this page, so here's the new one. Here are some of the cast members from Lord of the Rings and the director.

Peter Jackson - Director

Elijah Wood - Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellan - Gandalf
Liv Tyler - Arwen Evenstar
Orlando Bloom - Legolas Greenleaf
Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
Ian Holm - Bilbo Baggins
Karl Urban - Éomer
Christopher Lee - Saruman the White
Miranda Otto - Éowyn
Hugo Weaving - Elrond


Viggo Mortenson - Aragorn
David Weatherley - Barliman Butterbur
John Rhys-Davies - Gimli
David Wenham - Faramir
Andy Serkis - Sméagol
John Noble - Denethor
Berdarn Hill - Théoden
Sean Bean - Boromir
Sean Astin - Sam Gamgee
Domonic Monaghan - Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry)
Billy Boyd - Peregrin Took (Pippin)

   Enjoy! :)