Leaded, or Unleaded?*All About Vin*
Hey eh and welcome to my quiz "Leaded, or Unleaded?" If you get stuck on a q, surf my site again and I'm sure, somewhere, you'll find the answer(shameless plug for my site to get more attention)!
  1. What was the name of the character Vin portrayed in Boiler Room?

  2. Who is rumored to be Vin's new chica?
    Christina Auguilera
    Charlize Theron
    Michelle Rodriguez

  3. Vin's first movie to be publicly recognized was
    Multi Facial
    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

  4. What was Vin's response to this statement made by Johns in Pitch Black?
    F*ck you!
    I said looks clear
    remember this moment

  5. Finish this quote from TFATF-"You break her heart...
    I kill you dead
    I break your neck
    I'll break your legs

    I'll come up with better questions eventually, pinky swear!!:)Hope ya did good at "Leaded, or Unleaded?"! Lata

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