Dark Marvel is a non-profit play by email game. No copyright infringement is implied or intended, and we know who thought up what. We're just borrowing them for a bit to enjoy walking in the world they exist in, and we'll return them in the same condition we borrowed them in. However, we will still further clarify things as follows:

All things Marvel, of course, belong to Marvel Comics. If it wasn't for the creative genius of Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and the others, well, we wouldn't have any of this now.

The Men In Black are property of Sony Pictures

All original characters in this game are the respective property of thier creators and are copyright to them.

The graphics used on this website have been sent in over time and while we have tried our best to credit them properly, we know we're missing on some. Please email us so we can correct any oversights.

Images on this site are from Elfwood, 20th Century Fox, and select drawings done by the respective character's creators.