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Consensual RP - As a player, you have a right to choose which games/scenes/plots/conversations you will be in, and which you will not. You have a right to decide whether or not your character will die. The other players have these same rights, too, and you may not abridge them in any way. Plots to kill or physically harm another character must be approved by the intended victim's player, regardless of the status of either either party. Plots to overthrow an office holder must be submitted to the victim's Storyteller, or in the case of non-clan offices, submitted to the System Storyteller for approval. Either of the above plotlines that are not approved by the designated parties before being initiated will be ignored.

No character may be forced into a game where he has less than a 50% chance of coming out alive. If you have gotten involved in a game in which you feel you are being unfairly treated, you may ask your System Storyteller to intercede. If you feel a The System Storyteller is treating you unfairly, then you have the right to ask the Head Storyteller to intercede.

Accountability - If you take an action in a game, you will be considered a part of that game, and your actions will get the appropriate response, for good or ill, regardless of your desire to be in the game or lack there of. If you take an action that would get a response that you don't like, you cannot ignore it. Consensual RP cannot be used to circumvent Accountability at any time, in any way. Accountability is the only thing that can circumvent the rules of Consensual RP.

A player can, at any time, dispute the use of Accountability with either their Storyteller or the System Storyteller and allow them final say in the matter. Also remember that if your character breaches the Masquerade, the Veil, commits vulgar magick in front of sleepers, etc., that character must accept the punishment doled out by the proper IC authorities. For example, a breach of the Masquerade would no doubt result in a blood hunt called by the Prince on that character which would ultimately result in character death.


The players of noteworthy positions are the Storytellers. They will not be able to use any information not gained by approved IC means on pain of removal from the game. The purpose of this rule is to insure the smooth merging of the Systems game with the storylines by active participation. The Storyteller will be given an equal vote in matters involving the storylines or the games system. The Storyteller's participation is for the sole purpose of making sure all the games are moving in the same general direction, and to lend the reassurance that abuses are not being made within the System Storytellers.

Plotting and Scheming - Overthrow and assasination plots involving ANY character are permitted, but are also restricted. An overthrow plot or the removal of a character from an position such as Prince must be decided by the Storyteller. The killing of a character, regardless of station, is the domain of that character's player. The only way this right may be abridged is if the character in question has taken actions that would warrant his death, such as blowing up the Elysium, breaches of Masquerade, or breaking certain Traditions. As per the rules of Consensual RP, a player does not have to be a part of any game. However, if that character interacts in that game, he is automatically a part of it, and will be held Accountable for his actions.

Player Interaction - Player interaction is to be courteous and fair at all times, in obeyance of Consensual RP and Accountability. No character may take an action against another without the permission of that character unless it meets with the rules of Accountability.


One exception to this rule is as follows: Storylines that involve the destruction of an entire building or area (a room), mass killings or other large ideas that would disrupt the City on a whole need approval by the Admin.