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:: Chris's Pictures ::
Wuzz Up?!

Hey everyone! I decided to make me a web page for my pictures! =) Right now I only have pictures from the D.C. trip, but they're still cool!!


  • Giving food to the poor guy... then he gave it to the pigeons!
  • Riding the escalators and evavators!
  • Getting lost!
  • Running away from the rest of the group!
  • Me and Bailey we gonna buy on of those balls that when you pull it out it gets big... and we were like how much does this cost cause it didn't have the price on it... and she was like, "$30, is that all you would like?" Me and Bailey ran away before she could turn back around!
  • We were taking pictures on the escalator, and this old woman sweeping the floore was like, "That's dangerous! Don't do that on the escalators! You could die!!" We were like... Um.. OK... So then Bailey was like, "OK! Lets take it infront of this nice looking loading dock door then!"
  • Me, Bailey, Brandy, and Justin were in the movies and I was like this is boring but as usal Bailey's too lazy to get up!! (lol) So I tickeled Bailey, and she fell over and triped on one of the chairs!!
  • Brandy being afraid to look over the edge of the railing in the museums!

  • We were waiting to go into the Air and Space Museum and it was soo cold and it wasn't open yet! Bailey had shorts on so Brandy was humping her leg to make it warm!! LoL!!
  • There's Morgean waiting with us! We had a camera, so we had to go through the bag line (to scan it) which took FORVEVER!! We only got 20 minutes to acually go through the museum!
  • Washinton Monument far off.
  • *The Capital* far off. Excuse me Sarah! LoL J/K...
  • This is an awesome crystal thing of the White House! Me and Bailey spoted it while running up and down the escalators.
  • This is the spot were Forest Gump was!! WOW! That movie's awesome!!
  • It's Abe Lincoln! Someone threw up right infront of him while we were there... O.o
  • This was pretty much the last thing we saw (Vietnom Wall)... It was pretty sad... Got me teared up... Glad no one saw...
OK? Got your fill of pics? GOOD!