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Companies of the 37th Tennessee

One of the most interesting things about the 37th Tennessee was the fact that it was not all men from the same area of the state. Not even all of the men were from Tennessee. As the regiment began to break apart through the year the men would soon join each other in companies that were a good representation of the entire Confederacy.

When I first put the following regimental rosters together, I thought the matter was settled. However since then I have begun to question men in some companies. Over the next few months you may see men switch companies.

Please note I am aware of the fact that there are unsubstantiated claims that up to 30% of company A was made up of free black men. I have yet to uncover any evidence of any company of this regiment having a sizeable black portion. I have discovered several servants scattered throughout the regiment and have placed their names in the companies in which they served. If documentation can be found I will note it.

Company A
Company B
Company C
Company D
Company E
Company F
Company G
Company H
Company I
Company K

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