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.:SaBz' HoMePaGe:.

Hey~ I'm Sabrina & I'd just like 2 give a BIG shoutout 2 every1 at BHES! Zehra, Jen, Aysan, Stella, Adrienne, Christine, Nabela, Ip ( i dont noe y ur on this list), Ivan, Nat~ I luv u guys! ( except maybe Ip)[no offense]! Oh yeah..... and other ppl not frum school... Koryn, Britt, Li'l J, Devin, Sasha, Micheal, Mags, soccer team ppl, umm.... i think im prbly 4getting some ppl but....oh well! SORRI!

***I miss all you guyz frum Camp!!!***


Fav Movies~ 10 Things I Hate About You, Lord of the Rings (mostly bcuz of that HOT ELF), Center Stage!

Who I am currently in love with: ******...every1 noes now newayz!***

Fav Books: Darling, If You Love me Would You Please, Please Smile?, Anne of Green Gables, Feeling Sorry for Celia!

Fav Sports: Soccer *GO RAIDERS...YEAH!*, Volleyball!

Hobbies: Dance, Flirting, Chattin on msn or icq, Neopets(I swear itz addictive), Partying!

on MY life!***

~ GRADUATED!!!...thank god! gonna miss every1 tho~best of luck 2 every1...& plz dont 4get me!
~ every1 noes who i like...including the guy---AGH!
~ GO RAIDERS!!!...we're in 2nd place...keep it up!
~ 82% avg! YES!
~ going 2 VeRmOnT in 1 week...yay!:)
~HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA.......SERVICE AWARD!!??!?! honestly the most selfish person i noe!
~ i went shopping and bought the --*cutest*-- pants and t-shirt ever! I LOVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH! they cost me a total of $100, but thatz ok....

~ agh! my crazy soccer coach made me and katie dive everywhere and slide everywhere and now my whole right side is all cut up and bruised..YUCKY! I can barely sit, walk or move....ggggggggrrrrrrrr!



.:THinGs ThaT dRivE mE CrAzY:.

.:ZeHrA's SiTe:.

.:JeN's SiTe:.

.:AySaN's SiTe:.
Well.... thats all I hav on my page 4 now so c ya later! *kiss*~*kiss*