In Memory of Chase Collier

Young Actor at the Firehouse Theater and Ecstatic Theatrics. Chase died in October 2014.

Rest in Peace, Chase Collier
Chase Collier is the tall boy in the center of this photo, playing Peter Cratchit in "A Christmas Carol" in 2009.
Chase died November 20, 2013 at the age of 17.

Chase was a lively, smiling, distractable, good natured, restless, tough, emotional, rebellious, loyal young man. I can see his face clearly in my memory, his crooked smile, his look askance at noisy girls, his polite ways with me. He felt things strongly, anger, love, longing, frustration, adventure and joy. He would have grown up to do great things and I am glad I saw him do some really good things. I will miss him.

Chase performed in "A Christmas Carol" as Peter Cratchit and the Tavern Cook, in "It's a GOOD Life" as the boy who dared speak the truth to the omnipotent child, as the smart aleck boy in "Don't Look in the Lake" and in "The Wizard of Oz" as an Emerald Citizen and Winky Guard. He was in the cast of "Slipperzzzz!" as listed below but had to drop out when his address changed. Chase was very responsible about getting to rehearsals and learning his lines. He got into trouble backstage because he wasn't used to taking commands from the female stage manager and because younger girls would tease him constantly, he was good looking and when they hit him, he would chase them.

Chase was tall for his age and I had to remind others that he wasn't immature, he was three years younger than he looked. He had a big heart. When he had to drop out of "Slipperzzzz", he didn't call or email, he came in person to apologize to me and explain. I can see him so clearly in my memory, in many moments of distinction, such as when he told my daughter to watch her language. That was funny. Goodbye, Chase. - Jeannette Jaquish

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