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terms of service
goat woman

I'm typically open for commission work, although there may be a waiting list in some cases. I do try to keep waiting times down to a minimum, so if you have any questions about turn-around times please feel free to ask me.

The Commission Process
First we'll need to get a clear understanding of what you're looking for. Please send me any roughs, sketches, reference guides or sample images you have. The more you can give me, the better. Once we determine what you'd like I'll give you a price quote.

At this point I require a down payment before I'll begin work. The amount needed will depend on the price quoted.
Small orders (30 dollars or less) : fee must be paid in full before I'll begin
Larger orders (31 dollars to 100 dollars): half of the fee must be paid before work starts
Very Large orders (over 100 dollars) : a third of the fee is required up front

My fees include regular mail shipping costs. If you wish the final product shipped by courier there will be an additional cost to this. Please ask me for quotes.

Once we agree on a price and this down payment is received, I'll send you a rough sketch of the work. My roughs are not pretty ones, so please ask for clarification on any parts of it. Now is also the time to ask for any major changes. As I want you to be happy with the finished work, I appreciate any input you wish to offer at this stage. 

Once the rough is approved by you I’ll begin work. Depending on the nature of the work I’ll send one or two progress images so you can see how the work is coming along. I'll need your approval at each stage to make sure you like it before I proceed. Typically I will email you a scan of the work as it stands.

When the work is complete, I’ll send you a proof of the finished piece (watermarked if the fee has not yet been paid in full). The remainder of any fees will be due at this time. Once that is received the finished product is shipped out.

I Do Draw:
- portraits of pets and other animals, real or imaginary
- from your own concept sketches
- fantasy and sci-fi themes by preference, wildlife and other natural images too. Dinosaurs, ancient mammals, or just characters of your own devising. All are welcome topics.
- nudity, if it’s tasteful or playful
- minor fetish images, including tickling (with clothing or tasteful partial nudity), minor bondage gear and/or restraints (excluding private parts or items that focus on these areas). When in doubt, ask me for clarification on these points.
- transformation art (i.e. a human transforming into an animal/creature, etc)
- violent or gory themes
- horror themes
- tattoo designs

I Do Not Draw: 
- pornographic images (either solo or group/pairings)
- young characters without clothing or in any "adult situations"
- major fetish images (such as scat, watersports, bondage scenes, etc. Again, when in doubt, ask)
- human portraiture (I do draw humans and human characters, just not pictures of your Great Aunt. I'll draw you a Vulcan, but if you want Mr. Spock there will be ... differences.)

Copyrights for Purchased/Commissioned Art
Images purchased or commissioned from me do not carry reproduction rights or copyright for that image. That is, you purchase the finished work, but not the right to make endless copies of it for resale, in any format. If you'd like to own the copyright for the image, we must negotiate a "work for hire" fee for that image.

You may repost any images commissioned by me on your personal website or image site (such as DeviantArt) crediting myself as the creator.

You may make copies for your personal use (i.e. a copy for your wall/locker/binder), just not for resale.

If you purchase work from me and decide to have it tattooed on yourself later, I'm okay with that too. It's not as if you're gonna resell your arm on eBay :D . Such tattoos may be photographed and posted to various image boards the same as any other image I create, with credit back to me for the image design. However purchased art may not be used as a "sample" in a tattoo parlour or other business without my pre-approval.

If you want the piece for re-sale specifically, please tell me up front. This includes, but is not limited to, T-shirts, book covers, collectable card games, art books or collections, etc. I welcome work of this sort, but I do need to know up front as there may be additional fees associated with this for reproduction rights in perpetuity.

Generally speaking, I'm not a copyright nazi. Tell me what you want the work for up front and you'll find that I'm quite reasonable when it comes to these things.

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