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Truthkill was founded in May 2000 as a single person "band" by DeadWookieCadaver. The music can't really be classified under one category, but "death-noise" comes close. With his trusty trash can for a drum, along with his ear shattering screams and half-assed growls DeadWookieCadaver told stories from anything from how much he hates tailgaters to what happened on Star Trek. Below are some links to mp3s

THE MAINTAINER OF THIS WEBSITE THINKS THAT THE RIAA SUCKS ASS, AND SHOULD DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND GO VOLUNTARILY HIDE IN A DEEP CRATER AND NEVER COME OUT!!! Money hungry executives suck. Maybe you should loosen your ties you money grubbing bastards (in my opinion :-). Go sue yourselves.

SONGS All songs on this page were performed by Truthkill

7 DVDs.mp3
Bed Thief.mp3
British Tar.mp3
Captain Sisco.mp3
Captain Kirk.mp3
Gul Dukat is a Cardassian.mp3
heart on.mp3
I accidentally cut off part of my finger.mp3
I wish you hadn't done that, that was Wayoon's last clone.mp3
Jonesing Sucks.mp3
Jurrassic Park is a good movie.mp3
Next Generation theme drum solo.mp3
Seinbitch the show sucks in my opinion.mp3
Star Trek Insurrection is a good movie.mp3
Tailgating other cars sucks.mp3
Visual Bitch.mp3
Write-in Cantidates.mp3

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