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the fox server

the fox server is a mmorpg created by player worlds we are curently in beta testing so we want you to help us!

if you want to become a tester follow the steps

we are now checking for email send in your request for the fox server zip client

step 1: email and request the fox server zip client but remember were not always there to check it so be pacient then we will send you the file by stream loader email (just a emailer ment for sending files)

step 2: unzip the file then run the client program

step 3: click on ip config and change the ip to the curent ip listed below and make shure the port is 7234

current ip:

the curent ip some times changes and when it does i will update it on this site so make shure that if your having problems conecting to check the current ip on this site

step 4: creat yourself a account and have fun

please report all bugs to are e mail ty